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                It is nearing Narcissa's birthday. Draco wants to get his mother a great present. He realizes how she might have had a harder year than normal with him getting his own apartment. He wants something heartfelt and something she can show off to her rich friends.

                He searched and searched until he almost lost hope. He then came across a jewelry making class at Michaels. He figured it can be heartfelt, since he made it, and it can be shown off.

                That would be how he explain it to anyone who looks at him funny. Maybe a little shorter and less descriptive. He doesn't really want to be here to make jewelry. He already isn't the manliest man, and this is a little embarrassing.

                He walks in to the room with his bag of tools. Different pliers, wires, clasps, all the jazz. He notices no one here.

                "Hello?" he calls out. A man with messed up, wild, voluminous hair walks out. He has many leather and chain bracelets up his arms and a loose muscle t-shirt. In other words he's hot. And a hipster, judging by the glasses on his face.

                "Oh, hey. You must be the only one signed up for the class. Have a seat. I'm Harry." The man sits at the first seat, where Draco notices a bunch of supplies laid out. Draco sits next to the man. "So, since you are the only one here, I figured I would let you chose the project from the book. Here." The man, Harry, hands him a beginner's book of wire crafts.

                Draco takes it and begins to look for things his mother would like. When he's looked through the whole thing, Draco has narrowed it down to two. The first is a bracelet made from three different colored chains. The second is a nice pair of earrings with beads climbing up them.

                "Which of these two are easier?" Draco shows Harry, who thinks.

                "The bracelet. It takes a little long, but if we split the work, it should be quicker. Does that sound ok?" Harry raises his eyebrow at the hot blond.

                "Ok. That sounds good. Teach me." A shudder almost goes through Harry at the words that can be taken another way.

                "So, there are three techniques that you need to know. How to make jump rings, open to open and close them, and how to make a simple hook. First the jump rings. Let's practice a few with some scrap wire." Harry picks out the needed tools and shows them to Draco while he talks. "This is a mandrel. We use it for rings or shapes. There are two different kinds. This one is smooth and goes up gradually. More used for stretching rings to the right size. Well, I do. That is what I use them for. This one has steps that don't slope. It's better for making many rings at a time. We'll be using this one." He sets them down.

                He then picks up the wires. "So, wires come in different gages, sizes, and colors. The bigger the number gage, the smaller the actual wire. We will be using 20 and 18 gage wire. Three colors. Pick now." Draco is started by the command, but he does as told. He picks up silver, green, and black. "Good choice. Ok. Next is tools. We won't be going into detail. Basically, cutters, round-nose, and chain-nose pliers." Harry holds up the corresponding tools while Draco tries to take it in.

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