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Author's Note:

I was looking at the view and the intro has 52ish views, but the chapters haven't had higher than 13. Where you guys scared off by the introduction? Comment and tell me if you were.


It was a joke. Or, what started out as one.

Pansy had been jealous of Draco's paleness and how it would look amazing with red lipstick where she couldn't wear any since her undertones where wrong, or something like that. Draco, not paying attention, agreed with her.

The next day, there was a present waiting on his desk. Opening it, he saw a single tube of ruby red lipstick. He groaned, pocketed it, and continued on with his day.

It wasn't till he was home taking off his coat when he realized it was still there. It had fallen out of his pocket and onto the ground. He decided why not. Just to see if what Pansy was saying was true.

He walked to a bathroom and applied it sloppily. He tried to clean up the edges and he now saw why it takes so long for girls to get ready. This stuff is messy. It took many tries to get it at least somewhat acceptable.

Examining his handy work, he thinks it doesn't look half bad. Maybe with some practice, it would look amazing. The blonde walks out to start on dinner. He prepares everything and finds himself looking in every reflective surface.

Stop it, Draco. You are not a girl. Just remember to take it off before Harry gets home. Draco shakes his head. He stirs the meet and takes a spoon to taste. That's good. Looking at the spoon, he notices a slight red ring around it. Oh, great. It leaves marks. Draco rubs his lips to make sure it is still even.

The door opens, announcing Harry's arrival. Oh, shit.

"I'm home! What smells so good?" Harry walks in. Oh, well. Play it cool and see if he notices.

"Tacos. They are almost ready. Set the table?" Draco keeps his back to the brunette. He hears the clatter of plates and silverware. He turns around and puts the pan on a coaster. He sits and starts to make a taco for himself.

He doesn't see Harry join him at the table. He looks up at Harry to see his jaw dropped. He rubs his lips together and sees Harry's eyes drop to the red painted lips. Harry likes his lips and moves closer.

"What's that? Why are your lips red?" He stands over Draco and almost glares at him.

"Pansy said she was jealous that my skin tone would look good with red lipstick. Then she gave me a tube and I tried it. What do you think?" Draco tilts his head some, the light bouncing of the shiny surface. Harry moves in closer.

"That looks amazing. Stand up." Harry doesn't even give an option to remain sitting. He grabs the blondes arm and halls him up. Draco giggles, kisses Harry's cheek and laughs harder. "What's so funny?"

"You have a lipstick stain on your cheek." Draco giggles while talking, imagining what else could have a red ring around.

"I know you, and there has to be something else to make you laugh." Draco nods solemnly and drops to his knees, the echo resounding around the room.

"Can you imagine a red ring around your dick if I suck you off?" Draco punctuates the sentence with slowly unzipping Harry's fly. Harry moans, dropping his head back. "Or when I eat you out?" Harry almost falls to the ground, those dirty words doing so many things to him.

"Please. Draco, please. Oh, god." Harry drops his hands to Draco's slick backed hair and tries to drag that mouth to his cock.

Draco pulls out the hands out of his hair and stands. "How 'bout after dinner." It sounded like a question, but they both know it wasn't.

Draco has never seen Harry eat so fast.

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