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Dear Harry,

I know I'll never have the guts to actually give you this letter because you probably would never

feel the same, but I had to get this out some way or another, and I figured that a letter that will

never be sent is better than a confrontation that will lead to disgust and humiliation and a

possible disownment from my father.

I guess what I'm trying to (not) tell you is that I'm in love with you. I love your wild crazy hair. The

way it sticks up everywhere in a complete mess but still manages to look good on you, I will never

know how you pull it off. I always wonder if your hair is as soft as it looks. That sounds stalkerish

but so does the whole idea of this letter.

I love your eyes. The way the sparkle when you smile, and that you can read all your emotions in

them, like a cryptic book for those that take the time to learn to read it. They hold soo much

emotion all the time, I simply don't understand.

I love how your skin tans so easily and never burns. It is a great look on you, compliments your

eyes and hair and it makes you have a sort of toughish edge.

Thats another thing, with all the things and trials and amount of times The Dark Lord has tried to

kill you, people would assume you would be dark or depressed or just plain shut-in, but you're

not, you're lively and happy constantly. You always try to help people even if you don't know

them. You always put others safety and well being above your own. How? If all you've ever done

is fight for for your life against The Dark Lord, and bullies, and evil wizards how do you keep hope?

Do you get it from wherever you go over the summer? Or does it just naturally flow through you?

Do you get it from your experiences or from your heart?

Wow that got a lot deeper than I meant it too, but I still really would like to know, But I would

never make you tell me.  I only want to make you smile. When I touch you, a tingle spreads

through my body, and not because of the pain we're inflicting on each other. I want to be the

reason you're so happy all the time. I honestly just want you to be happy.

I never mean most of the things I say about you. You're not stupid, you don't stink, I actually like

your glasses, because they are a symbol of you. I don't care if you have a scar on your head, it

doesn't matter to me, I still think you're handsome.

When I see you in the hallways laughing with Weasley and Granger, I want to just kiss you

because your smile is so damn attractive. I love your laugh when it fills the halls or Great Hall. But

when you're sad, and put on a fake smile for your friends, I can tell even if they can't. I see when

you're hurting inside. I notice when your eyes have bags under them, and your hair is more

tousled than  normal. When you aren't up to your game.

I love you as you can tell from this letter. i think about you constantly. I bully you around so you

won't see my true feelings and I know its wrong, but I would never hurt you. I'd rather feel the

Cruciatus Curse than actually hurt you. God I don't know why I love you so much... but it tortures

me. i know you never will feel the same. I know you like girls, your record with Cho and the

Weaslette tells me that. I mean, why would you, the savior of the wizarding community, soil

yourself with filth like me.

Now I'm just depressing myself more than anything. I hope this helps me to get over you, God

knows I need help. I love you more than you'll ever know.

Draco Malfoy

Slytherin 5th Year

Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry



So I was thinking of taking this prompt and making a multichaptered fic from it, but I'm not sure if I should... tell me if you want me too and I will but it might take a while to put up and probably be on my other account. Anyway, I would love some opinions! Tanks!

Keep it insane out there!


(Quote of the day: If loving someone is putting them in a straight jacket and pushing them down a flight of stairs, than yes, I have loved a few people.

Jarod Kintz)

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