"That's not happening, princess."

Ignoring the nickname, I place my hands behind me, on the bed, and lean back, crossing my legs. "You've been waiting for me?" I ask, curious.

"You think I wouldn't know about the tracker you put on me?"

I tilt my head, slowly smiling. "If you knew about it, why didn't you get rid of it?"

His gaze on me is intense yet amused. "To know why the hell you put it on me and here you are, just as I expected."

His eyes trail down to my face to my leather bodysuit and then to my heels, no doubt noticing the blood.

"I do have a shower if you—"

"No thanks."

His dog barks, and jumps off the bed with the towel still on his face. It runs into the wall like the stupid dog he is and continues to bark. Hades sighs and takes the towel off his dog's head and tells it to sit.

"Your dog is stupid," I say.

"So are you."

"Shut up."

"You shut up."

I stand up and glare at him, "You're starting to get on my nerves, Hades."

His eyebrows raise in surprise, "I must be in real trouble if you're calling me by my first name."

That's it.

In a matter of seconds, I find myself pinning him to the wall with a dagger to his throat.

I press the dagger to his throat so hard that it draws blood. This time I don't lick it off. I want him to bleed. I want him dead.

He smiles at me as a small stream of blood flows down his throat.

Is he being serious right now? Why the hell is he smiling? This isn't funny.

I narrow my eyes at him, "The reason why I am here is because you stole my kill."

He stares down at me with his dark green eyes with a strand of his damp hair on his forehead. "Let me guess. No one steals your kill?" He says, his body pressed against mine.

I sweetly smile at him and nod. "Exactly."

His eyes turn dark and mischievous. "And what do you do when someone steals your kill, Athena?" He whispers, tauntingly, glancing down at my lips.

"I kill them," I whisper back, tilting my head.

And then I stab him in the stomach.

His eyes squeeze shut and he sharply inhales. Hades's hands find my waist. His grip is hard as he groans in pain.

I watch him with a small smirk on his face. I should chop off of his hands but I can't help but love watching him be in misery.

I look closely at his features. I've never had the time to really look at him since the only thing I could notice about him is him being annoying.

His chiseled face and cheekbones are something I've never really taken into notice and why has this man gotten even more attractive? It's a shame I've stabbed him. The number of girls I bet that worship him will miss him dearly.

He lets out a shaky breath and opens his beautiful verdant eyes, amusement in them. He tilts his head, "Is that how you're going to kill me? Pathetic. I expected better."

I stab him again. And again. And again. And again. And again.

He falls to the ground, bleeding. His eyes shut. Poor thing didn't even get to change. I crouch down and pull the dagger out and drop it to the floor. I grab the other towel and loosely wrap it around his stomach to stop the bleeding.

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