It hurts every second that Dhruv and I no more together. Words can not discribe my pain. It's the emotion of pain that I feel. A void has created in my life and only Dhruv can fill it.

Dear Dhruv I wish I could run to you and cry on your shoulder. I wish I could hug you and kiss your lips again. I wish I could tell you again, how much I love you.

I collected the empty plates and cutleries from table no. 7 and made my way to the kitchen but suddenly, I trip on my legs and I fall on the ground, clattering all the plates to the ground, breaking them into pieces.

"What did you do? This is the third time you have break the plates.", The owner of the restaurant walked to me and eyed me down who was still on the floor. Along with other waiters also come and instead of helping me they were enjoying the show.

"I am sorry. I tripped on my legs......Ahhhh...", I moaned in oain when a small piece of glass pirced into my left palm, making the blood oozing out from it.

"You have always the excuse ready. I gave you the job because I thought you really need the job but since you step inside my restaurant you just give me loss.", She shouted on me, making the scene in-front of others. I again winced in pain when I pulled out the broken piece from my palm and again more blood come out of it. Hot tears left from my eyes, maybe not of the physical pain but the pain I am feeling in my heart from the absence of Dhruv. I wiped my tears  with my forearm and stood up.

"I am sorry ma'am. I would not do this mistake again.", I apologized to her. I could not afford to loose the job or else I would be on the road next morning.

"I would not take your sorry this time. You better leave from here.", She shouted on me.

"Ma'am please give me a one last chance. I would not disappoint you.", I joint my both hands together and asked one last chance from her. Tears were hanging in my eyes and I was trying hard to control them.

"Okay...okay don't beg to me. This is the last chance I am giving you but after this if you do such mistake or cost me any loss, this would be your last day here.", She warned me and walked from there after giving me an order to clean the mess, I have created.

A tear drop to the floor when I bent down to pick all the broken pieces of plate or I could say of my life. I don't know where it's heading, I just want it a little easier or this time I really give up. I really don't have more strength to fight against it. It's already difficult and I have no power in me to fight against the odds. I throw the pieces into the bin and went into the kitchen to take new orders.


He clock hits to 6 and my shift get over. I changed into a simple plain black suite and walked out from the restaurant. Weather is changing from normal to sunny. It's going to be rain soon. People are rushing to their home as they wants to reach home before they get wet in rain. Seeing them I feel unlucky, because they have family at their home which was waiting for them but I don't have anyone at my house. House not a proper word to used where I live. It was just a room with a bathroom and few more things like a single bed and few things in kitchen. But I like one thing in that house. There was a window which opens to the outside and give the clear veiw of ground. Whenever I felt alone, I set their and only think about Dhruv and our beautiful memories which we have created together in this small time.

Rain has started pouring heavily, making me wet. Everyone started running here and there to find the shelter but I kept walking because it sooths me. In this rain no one can see my tears. I can cry as much as I want without a fear. Also this rain connects me to him. It reminds me of the day when I was having a aweful day after our marriage because of my periods and Dhruv kissed me under the rain.

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