It takes the money in, and I turn around to...

???: Hand over everything.

There's someone holding a gun at my face, how'd he get in here without me knowing is beyond me.

But, he seems like an idiot. He came in here and pointed his gun at me at point blank range, but I can easily disarm him.

I may not look like it, but I've had training in basic samurai kendo art aswell as have learned a few disarming and locking tricks.

This guy also seems like he hasn't slept for a few days, so probably someone that hasn't slept for awhile. His reaction will be sluggish, it's as clear as day.

???: I SAID-!

I duck down faster then he can react, before grabbing his hand holding the gun and forcefully tightening his hold on the gun.

His face contorts and grunts in pain, he screams in agony.

I let go of my grip and the gun falls out of his hand.

I simply grabbed his hand and forced him to exert more pressure on his already pressurized gun, causing him to grip it so tightly that blood began leaking out.

To put it simply, I tightened his hold on the gun and forcefully stocked his skin on it.

To add more salt to the wound, I kick him in the abdomen and he coughs out more blood.

He looks up and aims for a sloppy punch, but I simply side step before grabbing his arm and gripping it behind his back.

I've managed to lock him in a position full of pain as I control his arm, his screams have probably attracted attention in the outside...


Why do I feel... Pain...

Oh, he stabbed me.

He most probably stabbed me by pulling a knife out of somewhere, and then aiming at my gut without me knowing.

I let go of him and weakly try to punch him, but he pulls the knife out and thrusts it into my heart...

Great, guess I didn't have long to live.

???: Fucking inhuman monster.

He rushes out of the ATM, I can hear screaming from the outside...

They probably saw his bloody figure.

Dangit... It's too hot, yet also cold. Is this what death feels like?

[Confirmed, Individual has achieved Temperature Resist]

The bleeding won't stop...

Why did I pull the knife out, it's so damn sharp and would've only caused more bleeding.

[Confirmed, Individual has achieved Sharpness Nullification]

And I've unnecessarily caused myself to feel more pain by taking it out.

Although, my face still remains as dull as ever...

[Confirmed, Individual has achieved Pain Nullification]

Wait, my computer...

Fuck, I forgot to delete my search history.

It's filled with weird ass stuff... No, it isn't hentai, I'm not a degenerate.

[Confirmed, Individual has achieved Unique Skill {Degenerate}]

If only someone could throw that damn electric device in some water.

It's be very appreciated.

[Confirmed, Individual has achieved Electric Nullification]

And I still haven't found out the answer to my question, I never got the damn time.

Apparently, I'll never know the answer to the question I've wanted to know like the Great Sage of Knowledge I am.

[Confirmed, Individual has achieved Unique Skill {Great Sage}]

Now that I recall, this incident is pretty familiar with what happened to me in the past.

From what I recall, this same scenario happened to me when I was young. Only that time, it was a Predator woman that wanted my body.

[Confirmed, Individual has achieved Unique Skill {Predator}]

Will you shut the fuck up?

I'm trying to reminisce all these memories of mine...

I've been diagnosed with Amnesia since I was little...

This is practically a rollercoaster ride of my memories, albeit I can see them perfectly this time.

[Confirmed, Individual has achieved {Perfect Memory}]

Y'know what, doesn't seem like you'll be shutting up anytime soon...

Fuck you.


So, let me be real with you here.

I will be alternating between writing this tensura story and the Alternate Timeline one.

For some reason, I've gotten motivation to make this one and lost motivation for the other completely.

So, whenever I lose motivation for one story, I'll simply start writing the other one.

It may not seem very sensible, but it'll work out for me.

Plus, I've had this idea stuck in my mind for quite a while.

Basically, a very different Tensura World.

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