"Look Artemis, if you're really into girls, you should find another girl to kiss because I'm not letting you kiss me."

She shakes her head, "I'm not into girls, I'm just into you."

Goddamnit. What is it with her and Noah?

"You should get that checked out then," I tell her.

She huffs and drives faster.

I roll my window up and grab onto the edge of my seat, my knuckles turning white.

Eventually, an hour later we make it back to the mansion. Artemis parks the car in the driveway.

For that whole hour of the drive, I've come to a decision. I've thought about my decision, long and hard. And I truly think that if I go through with it, my life will be so much easier.

I get out of the car and Noah waits at the door with a motherly smile.

"Hello kids, how was school?"

"Bloody," I say as I push past him, "now follow me, Noah. I have a job for you."

He quickly follows behind me with Artemis.

We all go upstairs and into my revenge room.

I grab the bucket of blood.

Every time I finish my task at each ball, I get a new bucket of blood. But this one is special.

Since I killed The Fifteen beforehand I was able to get their blood. So all fifteen of their blood has been mixed up in this bucket because this ball was supposed to be special.

"Um, so what is the task you're going to give me," Noah asks, slightly scared for his life.

I grab the paintbrush and dip it in the bucket of blood. I cross out the picture of the building where the third ball was hosted and then the picture of Dr. Richards's face.

My jaw clenches, recalling how I wasn't even the one to kill him.

I place the bucket on the ground and move over to my laptop. I open it up and quickly find the thing I am looking for then I print it.

"The fourth ball will be slightly harder. It is another masquerade ball, you have to bring a date, it's in a secluded area in the woods which means it's being hosted outside."

Artemis nods, listening closely but on the other hand, Noah is staring at the ground.

"Noah?" I call out.

He looks up at me, "Yes?"

"Stop daydreaming and listen."

Then I continue from where I left off ad I was to the printer and watch it print out the picture.

"During that night there will be a surprise that the French mafia boss, Camille, doesn't know of. An engagement announcement. Yavok is planning to announce his engagement with his fiancé, Joanne."

I recall the young blonde girl from when I was watching Yavok before all of this started.

Turns out the girl is somehow my brother's rapist.

You would think it would be an old lady. I thought so too but when I did a background check on her it showed she was working for my family for around five years and left. I got suspicious and found out Yavok hired her to rape my brother.

He planned everything out from the start.

Bribed my mother's brother to kidnap me. Killed my parents. Turn Marcello into someone no one recognizes. Then kidnapped me to turn me into a monster.

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