[He was just as crazy and as violent as Nero in the past!]

And now that she was taking Nero's place, it also meant that all the people that were supposed to serve him would serve her instead.

[Nero is leaving soon but I guess I'll be stuck with another psycho, huh?]

"Lewis grew up in isolation so please excuse his lack of manners," Glenn continued with his pleas. "I swear this is the last time that this would happen."

"I'll let it slide this time," she said. "I'll trust you on your promise, Sir Glenn."

Now that she knew that Lewis was "Butler Lu" in her past life, she already understood why he acted the way he did.

[As far as I remember, Lewis was stolen from the Silver Fox Clan and was sold as a slave. His "owners" didn't treat him like a human. Those bastards literally treated Lewis like a pet! They made him live in a cage with their dogs.]

That was the reason why Lewis didn't have a basic human setting.

When Emperor Nikolai invaded the land where Lewis's owners lived, the child was rescued from his horrible living conditions. The emperor took interest in Lewis because of his powerful Mana and so, he brought the kid to the Royal Capital.

[Lewis might be a psycho in the past, but right now, he's just a poor little boy.]

The knight raised his head and gave her a grateful smile. "My utmost gratitude for your generosity, Your Royal Highness."

"No problem," she said. Then, she turned to Lewis who was just standing there, spaced out. "Hello, Lewis."

Glenn turned to Lewis. "Lewis, introduce yourself to Her Royal Highness properly."

Lewis looked at her with a blank look on his face. Then, he pointed a finger at himself. "Lewis. Me."

That was definitely not a proper greeting. But considering the life he lived before getting here, he already did a good job. If she remembered it right, Lewis was rescued only a year ago. Learning to talk in that span of time was already an accomplishment.

She should be kind to the poor boy...

... and make sure Lewis wouldn't also end up as a psycho in this lifetime.

[Gosh, is being a therapist for these boys the reason why I came back here?]

"Hello, Lewis. I'm Neoma de Moonasterio," Neoma greeted the boy with her "signature sweet smile" that captivated Nero. "Let's be friends, okay?"


NEOMA wasn't happy after the maids of Yule Palace dressed her up like a boy.

The matching dress shirt and dress shorts she wore were obviously expensive, and so were the pair of shoes she had right now. But she wasn't really happy now that she looked like Nero's carbon copy.

[I'm not cute!]

Well, not really.

Nero was very cute, of course.

What she meant was her outfit. As a girl, she enjoyed the dresses she used to wear. They weren't as expensive or luxurious as what a princess should be wearing. But still, as a girly girl, she loved her dresses.

She may act like a tomboy now but deep inside, she loved dressing up in girlish clothes.

[Well, actually, I was a very meek lady in my past life. No wonder I was fooled several times. Being reborn in a loving family in my second life helped me gain confidence. So now, I ended up with this attitude.]

And she didn't regret that.

"Your Royal Highness, it's time," Stephanie told her. "His Majesty wishes to see you."

Ah, right.

While she was at the Yule Palace, aside from Glenn, only Stephanie and Alphen came to serve her.


After all, her acting as Nero's proxy was a royal secret.

"Let's go," Neoma said. "I can't wait to see Papa."

[And tell him my three precious wishes.]


NEOMA was surprised when she was brought to a parlor instead of Emperor Nikolai's office or throne room. She was asked to wait inside alone. But Glenn, Alphen, and Stephanie were all waiting outside.

[What am I supposed to expect here?]

Her brain hurt from thinking too much so she forgot about that for a while.

She just sat on the sofa and enjoyed the snacks prepared for her. Also, the tea served for her had honey in it to probably suit the taste of a "child." But even without sugar or honey, she could still drink tea.

[I'm an elegant adult inside, you know?]


Neoma was surprised when the door opened when she was just about to take a bite of her macaroon. But since she heard Nero's voice, she knew that her twin brother was coming. She turned to him with a smile. "Brother..."

Her smiled faded and she dropped the macaroon at what greeted her.

"N-Neoma?" Nero asked nervously. "Do I look weird?"

She was too shocked to react.

Nero had a wig on- a platinum white wig that was as long as her previous hair. And most of all, he was wearing a very pretty pink dress.

She felt like she was looking at herself in the mirror.

[Wow, we really switched places, huh?]

"Brother," Neoma said with a smile when she regained her composure. Then, she got down from the sofa and walked towards him. "You look very pretty!"

Nero smiled as if he was relieved of what she said. When she stood in front of him, he cupped her face in his hands. "You still look pretty even if you're dressed as a boy, Neoma."

"Thank you, Brother," she said between giggles. "I look pretty because I look like you!"

He smiled and gently pinched her cheeks. "Neoma, don't forget me while I'm away. Eat all the food you want and stay healthy. If someone or something bothers you, just send me a letter."

Her forehead knotted in confusion. "Brother, why are you talking like you're saying goodbye to me?"

"I am saying goodbye to you, my precious sister," Nero said with a sad smile. "Today is the day I'm going to the saint's temple."

Neoma gasped, her chest unexpectedly tightening in pain. Unconsciously, she grabbed Nero's hands and held them tight. The next thing she knew, she was already speaking in a desperate voice. "Please don't leave me, Brother."

Wait, did she just beg her psycho twin brother to not leave her?!

Royal Secret : I'm a Princess!जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें