"Of course," Melody says quickly.

"Wouldn't dream of it," Julien adds, leaning back casually. "But it must be pretty big if you're trying to keep it quiet."

"It is," Ra confirms. He closes his eyes, sucking in a deep breath through his nose. "There is a way to strip someone of their title. Even once they've accepted that god's power." Koji and Oliver gasp, their eyes going wide. Julien leans forward, resting his elbows on his knees. Akari gasps, covering her mouth with her fingertips.

"Really?" She breathes, as if she's afraid to believe it could be true. Ra nods, closing his eyes.

"Yes. But it's not a simple process - and it's not something just anyone can do," he explains, lacing his fingers together. "In fact, the only ones who can do it are the Gods of Old." Julien's head falls forward, his enthusiasm dying. Marcus grumbles, leaning back on his arms.

"So, it can't be done," he mutters. Ra chuckles and smirks.

"Oh, I assure you that it can. The Gods of Old aren't just legends; they're real."

"Even if they are, they're missing," Julien says dismissively.

"The same way the gods are missing to mortals?" Ra counters with a grin. Julien raises a finger, his mouth opening to argue. Then he slowly leans back, looking sheepish. "That's what the Gods of Old are; they are to us what we are to mortals. And they still exist, to this very day."

"And you're saying if we can find one, they can take Tsukuyomi's godhood," Emelia clarifies. Ra nods, leaning back proudly.

"Um, I don't want to be the one to say this, but..." Melody says, looking down at herself. "I've tried to research the Gods of Old a thousand times. But nobody could tell me anything about them - in either the Norse or Greek Pantheons." She slowly looks back to Ra, seeing the twinkle in his eye. "How do you know so much?"

"Well, put simply, I was once one of them," Ra says plainly, crossing one leg over the other. "In fact, you could say they're my brothers and sisters." Oliver sputters, choking on his drink. Koji's lip twitches in awe, and Melody notices him slide back a bit.

"Okay, wait-" Julien says, slowly standing. "From what I've heard, the Gods of Old are Primordial Beings - they've existed since the dawn of creation. In fact, Tia says they're the ones that created the world. How could you be one of them?"

"Because he was there," Melody gasps, casting her mind back. "After the rebellion, a rumor started floating around the Greek apprentices that Ra has never taken an apprentice. Which means you're..." She trails off, trying to wrap her head around it.

"That's what he told Zeus, but that was-" Julien says, stopping when he locks eyes with Ra. The color drains from his face, his eyes widening even further. "Wait. That was true? I thought you just said that to get Zeus to calm down!"

"Why would I lie?" Ra says with a chuckle. "I am the one and only Ra. I always have been, and I always will be." He shifts, uncrossing and recrossing his legs. "My primordial aspect is life."

"So, you can-" Akari says, her eyes wet with tears. Ra shakes his head before she can finish.

"I'm afraid not. As I said, I was once one of them. But I decided instead to guide Egypt, and humanity, with my own hands," he explains, holding his hands out. "While my kin decided to step back and let humanity grow on their own. I gave up my primordial power in favor of the life I have now." Akari's shoulders slump again as she nods sadly.

"...so, again. It can't be done." Marcus huffs. "Or are you going to tell us that they kept in contact with you and only you?"

"I'm afraid not," Ra agrees. "Since I decided to become a god - and give up my primordial aspect - they had to distance themselves from me as well. But there is one god who remains in contact with one," he adds.

"And I'm assuming it's not someone good?" Emelia guesses. Ra nods, smiling brightly.

"Correct. It's the Jade Emperor." Ra says. Oliver groans, flopping his head onto the table. Marcus echoes his sentiment, rolling his head back on his neck.

"Right, let's just go to the guy that's sending his underlings to attack us and ask him for help. I'm sure that's going to go well," he complains. He lifts his head, levelling a hard stare at Ra. "In case you missed the memo, the Jade Emperor is against the treaty. We'd be better avoiding him altogether."

"Actually...I've been thinking about that," Melody says, pinching her chin in thought. "Marcus, Erlang told you that the Jade Emperor is worried that he'll be pressured into signing our treaty, right?"

"Yeah. So, all we have to do is avoid him and his lackeys, and we're home free," he confirms. Melody grumbles, shaking her head.

"But we can't let that happen. It's meaningless if anyone is forced to sign. Especially him."

"You can't be serious," Marcus grunts.

"It's not fair if he doesn't have a choice! And that's what we're trying to fix, isn't it?" Melody counters. "I've been thinking about it ever since you told me what Erland said. I..." She glances around the group, searching for any kind of support before finishing her thought. "I want to go to the Jade Palance next."

"W-what?" Oliver squeaks, groping under the table for his staff. Emelia's eyebrows shoot up, and she crosses her arms silently. Marcus jumps off the couch, turning to face Melody directly.

"Uh, did you forget who's waiting for us? The Great Sage Equal to Heaven?" He says bluntly. "Supposedly stronger than their entire Pantheon put together?"

"H-he's right, what are we supposed to do about him?" Oliver squeaks, pulling his staff close to his chest. Emelia touches his shoulder, squeezing it softly to help him relax.

"I know, it's reckless and stupid, but we have to," Melody insists. "I don't want to do this if I have to force it on someone. We've got to show him how important the treaty is." She meets Marcus's eyes, sitting up straighter. "I know I can convince him. Just trust me."

"I do - I trust you," Marcus says quickly. He holds her stare for a bit longer before letting out a long sigh. "Fine - I guess we can't avoid them forever. Sun Wukong will come after us eventually," he admits sourly.

"Then we better be prepared. Luckily, I spent the last week and a half researching every legend he's a part of," Emelia says. "Honestly, I don't think we'll be able to beat him if we have to face him head-on. But I have some ideas, and if they work-"

"We'll figure something out today," Melody says quickly. She looks at Oliver and Marcus, gauging their reactions when she says "But we've been here too long. I think we should leave tomorrow morning."

"Works for me," Marcus says with a shrug. "I'm good to go whenever." Oliver looks down at his staff, his head sinking into his shoulders. Emelia touches his shoulder again before he nods. Melody nods back, her stomach twisting anxiously.

"Then it's decided. Our next stop is the Jade Palace."

Pantheon Book 2: The Way of the TaoWhere stories live. Discover now