Chapter 29: "This is far enough."

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My fingers haven't stopped working for I wasn't sure how long now, I just knew I couldn't stop. Not yet.  Not even as I felt the inevitable cramp coming on. I was so close.

"Come on," I mumble under my breathe, glancing quickly at the time at the bottom of the screen.

A couple more sentences... And...

There we go, baby!

I sent the email just on time with a smash of the enter key. Phew, that was a close call. I almost didn't sent that signed contract before the deadline.

Ever since I got in extra early this morning to catch up on the work I've pushed back to accommodate that trip to London, I haven't stopped fussing over everything even for just a second. Between the two very strong cups of coffee and that everything bagel I chomped on on the way here, my stomach was empty and instead was just housing a tight ball of tension.

Right as I was about to check my list for the next thing to do after that contract, I saw my phone light up with a call.

Lily, the caller ID displayed.

Huh, why would Lily be calling me? And at this hour? It was barely lunch time, which meant she was supposed to be buzzing about in her kitcher— the kitchen at the manor, but Dad and I knew it was really hers at this point— like she usually does.

I answered nonetheless. "Hey, Lily. What's up? Something wrong?" Honestly, I was a tad worried.

"Oh, sweetie. I love her. She's perfect for you. So pretty, and funny too! And the way she stood up to your fath—"

Most of what Lily said didn't make much sense to me. "Woah, woah, Lils. I- What are you talking about? You love who?"

"Your girlfriend, silly. You should've introduced her to me beforehand, instead I got meet her while your dad was going all Hulk on her," she tsked in mock disappointment, but I could still hear the smile she was sporting.

"My girl...?"

"Yes. Ronnie. She's such a charmer, that girl. And so sweet too, defending you and wanting to pack those tarts because you love them— oh! I had to stop myself from swooning."

Lily was still gushing about Ronnie, but I couldn't process what she was actually saying. I was still hung onto the fact that Ronnie was at the manor. With my dad no less. And he was mad about something?

"Why was she there?" I physically shook my head in confusion. I had this feeling churning in my stomach telling me it wasn't for something good.

"I don't really know the specifics, sweets. But it got pretty heated quick. Don't worry, your girl held her own. She just has this confidence to her that ma—"

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