Chapter 26: "Eleven. Pitiful. Seconds."

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The beautiful blue cover of a hardbound novel laid face up by the left-end corner of the bed, exactly where I chucked it a few minutes ago. The Hawthorne Legacy. It was in Ronnie's luggage and I picked it up in hopes of finding something to pass the time with. Unfortunately for me, it was the second book in a series and I knew absolutely nothing about the first book, so that was how it ended up discarded by my feet.

Bummer, it looked really good too.

Stretching like a cat on the bed, I readjusted my sitting position and yawned into my hand. Beside me, sleeping like the dead, was the pilot from the flight that just took me from home to the inclement city of London. One look out the crack in the drawn blinds of my hotel room told me it was still drizzling, much like when we landed this morning.

The cold weather, along with the grueling red-eye flight knocked my girlfriend right out, considering that she was the one behind the throttle. I leaned over her gently and pressed my lips on her forehead, chuckling silently as I observed her weird, semi-twisted sleeping position.

They said bisexuals couldn't sit properly, apparently they couldn't lay down any better. Exhibit A: Ronnie on her stomach, arms bent abnormally overhead, and legs taking over my half of the bed. My ever-so-graceful sleeping beauty.

But unlike her, my body clock wasn't that messed up, so by the time my watch displayed that it was thirty past twelve in the afternoon, I was ready to actually start my day. We were here in the UK on business afterall.

It has been 20 years since the very first Knight Hotel was built in London and as an anniversary special, a charity event was being held at the very building. This meant big personalities, big money, and big smiles. I didn't mind the first two, but the last one? Let's just say not my favorite.

"Hmmmshhm..." Ronnie stirred from her spot on the bed, mumbling something unintelligible. Turning to lay on her back, drowsy eyes slowly blinked open to scan her surroundings. When it seemed like Ronnie was able to decipher where and who she was with, she smiled sleepily up at me and I returned the gesture. What could I say, for her, smiling was effortless, like second nature. Not at all like the chore it normally felt like for me.

I'd give her a thousand real ones even if it meant giving everybody else a million fakes each.

"Hi," Ronnie rasped, words sleep-ridden.

I was supposed to get up and start getting my outfit for tonight's fundraiser ready, but got distracted by Ronnie's raspy voice and smooth stomach all in display for me. Her shirt had ridden up in her sleep, and her short shorts didn't help either. She caught me staring, her eyes narrowing into slits as she sensed my next intentions.

"Harper..." she playfully warned. I paid her no mind and started climbing over her. Lowering my lips to her exposed midriff, I kissed my way down, slowy, with staring up at her through my lashes. As expected though, when I got the part just above her bellybutton, Ronnie started giggling.

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