Chapter 15: "Tonight, it was my way, or the runway."

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Cold showers. Hated them. Absolutely detested standing still while I willingly let ice water rain down on me.

But what did I do the moment I closed my front door the same time the elevator closed with Harper inside? I stripped and subjected myself to the freezing downpour in my bathroom. I just had to, or else I wouldn't be able to function for the rest of the night without literally imploding.

What was supposed to be a sweet farewell kiss with Harper outside my door turned into one of the most searing liplocks I've ever been given. It was a sweet, slow kiss that made me want more, tempting me to take more. Her touch doused me in gasoline while her lips lit up a match, effectively setting my body on fire. Hence, the cold shower I took right after.

That was last night. I had just finished digging through my closet to find a dress to wear to the gala Harper had invited me to that would even remotely fit the formal dress code.

Plopping down on my bed with my phone in hand, I set the black cocktail dress I chose beside me as I scrolled through my contacts for a specific name. Pulling up Harper and I's previous conversations, which weren't that much to be honest, I typed a message.

Me: Good morning:)
Me: So... what time do you think I should  pick you up?

As I waited for the three tiny dots to appear, I reread what I sent. I didn't like texting, it was not my strong suit, mostly because I was so awkward doing it. Half the time, I was stressing over whether I sounded rude or something because the darn thing can't convey a tone. I'd rather speak to the person personally, but I decided against calling her. It was quite early in the morning and I didn't want to bother her.

I threw my phone behind me on the bed and stood up to hang the dress up so it wouldn't get crumpled. Busying myself with choosing what shoes to wear so as to not obsess over waiting for a response like a weirdo.

In the silence of my room, my thoughts drifted back to our date yesterday and how I hoped for it to never end. Despite the rocky start, with the awkwardness between Harper and Dennis and whatnot, the night ended spectacularly. In fact, on the ride home, I was already wracking my brain thinking of excuses to see her again.

I genuinely had fun just spending the day with her. Our chemistry was unmatched compared to any other person I've gone out with before. And even though I was reluctant about dating again, what with my disastrous last relationship, I couldn't let this thing with Harper slip without exploring it.

In the end, it all still worked out in my favor because she invited me to this event before the night ended.

The distinct ping! coming from my phone had me throwing myself head first into the mattress to check out the notification.

Harper: Good morning!💗
Harper: The actual event doesn't start til six but I kinda need to be there at 5:30 for *sigh* business. Does 5 o'clock work?

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