Chapter 9: "Is this a movie?"

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It was a quarter past midnight when I could officially say that I was drunk. I wasn't shit-faced or anything, but I was definitely struggling to stand properly on my own two feet.

I left the dancefloor a couple minutes ago, dragging a grumpy, sober Dennis behind me, who just stood there clenching his jaw and averting his gaze from me while I danced around him a while ago. According to him, I drank too much already and now he has to take the guys and me home.

He's kind of the dad of the group— the group being me, him, Mike, and a couple other First Officers and Flight Attendants we were friends with— and it was planned that he would be the designated driver for the guys while Layla, an FA from our airline, was for the girls. But as it turned out, Layla wasn't the most reliable DD, seeing as she's passed out in the booth, clutching an empty bottle of Corona to her chest.

For some reason, we ended up sharing a booth with Harper and her work friends. I think it was because Sarah and some other Knight employees were quite close with Mike. That guy could make friends anywhere.

So that's where I spotted Harper and Sarah guffawing over something on a phone, both clearly drunk out of their minds too. I remembered Harper telling me she doesn't drink without close friends around, but I guess Sarah was there with her so...

We slowly approached, with me heavily leaning on Dennis' side while he supported most of my weight.

"Hey, you guysss," I greeted, my speech slightly slurring.

"Ronnie? You're still here!" Harper said, her eyes quickly leaving the phone and darted to me, surprised to see I was still here. "Oh, you too. Of course," she mumbled.

Was she glaring at Dennis or was the alcohol making me see things?

"Yeah, but we're heading out now, it's getting late. How 'bout y'all?" I asked, sitting down beside them. I saw Mike unbuttoning his shirt by the bar from my seat, belting out the lyrics of whatever song was playing, so I pointed at him, laughing.

Dennis groaned beside me, getting ready to storm over there and fetch his best friend. "He's a literal child, I swear to god."

"We're about to leave too. I'm not feeling so good," Sarah muttered, just before abruptly standing up and dashing to the nearest restroom, another girl accompanying her. I thought she looked a little green too.

"Harper, you good? How are y'all getting home?" I trained my unfocused gaze on the blondie beside me.

"Oh, Sar's brother is picking her up. He's on his way." She tried picking up another drink, but I snatched it from her hand, sloshing it around in the process. She gasped, looking at me and was clearly waiting for an explanation.

"No more drinks." I then proceeded to down the drink in one go. I mean, why not? Sayang.

A second later though, I realized that that was a bad idea and made a face that described exactly how much I regretted the decision. The drink was room temperature, disgusting. I liked my drinks on the rocks, or chilled at least, thank you very much.

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