Chapter 12: "I bet she tastes even sweeter."

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The black screen of the phone on my desk was mocking me for the past quarter hour, the faint reflection of my conflicted face staring back at me annoyingly. I've been contemplating whether or not to call the dark-haired First Officer, and to this second, I still haven't decided. I knew I needed to do this now before I lost my nerve, but I was still working up that nerve to full capacity! Granted, it's been days since that morning in Ronnie's kitchen and I've procrastinated enough.

Chewing on my bottom lip, I picked up a strawberry from the bowl on my desk. You guessed it, they were the ones I received from her last Saturday. I brought some to the office today because, well... just because. Didn't really need a reason to bring my own snacks. Taking a juicy bite, I savored the sweet taste on my tongue in contentment, my taste buds rejoicing. It really was unlike the ones at the supermarket, those were mostly sour and no doubt filled with preservatives and whatnot.

In the silence of my office, I thought back to Ronnie, leaning against her kitchen counter, nonchalantly smirking at me. Her, playing with Caramel, or doing the dishes. Her dark, chocolate brown eyes widening when I moaned while eating a strawberry in her kitchen, or the way she was biting her lip while she typed her number on my phone.

Yep, that did it. I definitely had to call her now.

Polishing off the fruit in my hand, I picked up my phone, took a deep breath to calm my frazzled nerves, and used my fingerprint to unlock the device. With Ronnie's newly added contact info already pulled up on the bright screen, all I had to do was press a single button. Internally crossing my fingers, I did.

I brought the smartphone up to my ear, my stomach doing olympic somersaults inside me as I listened the continuous ringing. And because I couldn't help myself, I dragged my fingers through my scalp in nervousness, effectively ruining the perfect curls I worked on this morning in front of my bathroom mirror. I was so out of my element here.

Embarrassingly enough, I've admittedly never asked anyone out in my life. Pathetic, I know. A bit sheltered too, even, but I've just... never had to. Not to sound like the most narcissistic human ever, but every person I was ever interested in always ended up asking me out first. A tiny smile here, a little touch there and bam! I'm offered a time, date, and place for a— mostly extravagant— date.

With a simple bat of an eyelash, I usually had my target hooked. Flirting, well, it was fun. No harm in that. It's not like I was leading people on on purpose, only the ones I was intrigued by.

And to say I was intrigued by Ronnie was an understatement. No, I was enamored. So drawn to her that I needed to explore the effects of her magnetic pull. Get a glimpse of her thoughtful heart. Have a taste of her soft lips. Maybe even just be in her company again.

So I tried my go-to flirt tactics to, I don't know, maybe score a hang out— okay, that's some bullshit, I wanted a date. It's just, the thing was, it didn't work. I don't even know if she noticed, but god, did I try to catch her attention. And until now, I didn't have a single clue if it was working or what. The nice things she did for me could very much be just because she's a decent frickin' human being.

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