Roll for Charisma (Eddie Munson)*

67 7 14

**slight trigger warnings.. a bit of smut and spice**
One Shot idea presented by: Gri959 - Enjoy This should be a fun and lovable story.

Running through the halls I get to the Hellfire room, I had so many ideas for the new campaign, Eddie you are one smart dude!

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Running through the halls I get to the Hellfire room, I had so many ideas for the new campaign, Eddie you are one smart dude!

I had finally found a secret that even the illustrious Henderson would be stumped!

It was going to be the best! As I swing open the door I am met with a sweaty Henderson and an overly embarrassed Suzie with two buttons undone. Oh Shit. I did it again.

"Eddie?! Knock!" Dustin roared.

"We have Hellfire in 5 minutes Henderson! Be a gentleman for Christs sake." I mumbled.I was secretly proud though, Henderson had been worried about the two of them being more intimate. I guess my advise to just ask her about it worked.

Oh.. the again part... well I ...This keeps happening, no one will just stay out of sight. It's like everywhere, I can't go anywhere without witnessing a member of my hellfire club with their tongues down someone else's throat.

ALL of them. It's like they don't even stop and think... its all sex sex sex. I can't stand it. Yet, secretly I am so jealous, all the male members of Hellfire were now in relationships. I, well I being the only exception.

Blasphemy right... I'm way cooler and WAY hotter than all of them...

I had no time...It had been two years since you graduated, Corroded Coffin got steady gigs and you had secured a job as the local bookie for fights at the Hideout when you weren't jamming. You hosted Hellfire and still lived with Wayne to pay the bills. Girls. Boys. Hell relationships in general just were not going to happen with your schedule.

You slowly back out the door as there was mumbling and Suzie giggled, "it's okay Dustybun, poor Eddie maybe needed a bit of a thrill."

Fuck. Was she patronizing me. Was it that bad that it's been a while since I had someone. I felt a hand on my shoulder and turn to see Gareth, "that comment had to sting. You sure you don't want to go on a few blind dates? My girl has a few friends."

His girl. The fucker is dating the only eligible member of Hellfire. Someone I had my eye on, but no, she said she liked Gareth's personality better. She stopped coming after Gareth and I got into a fight.

So now, well it's been two years. Now I just don't and cannot be bothered.

I sighed. The boys, Gareth and Jeff, had offered to fix you up on a few dates. Gareth had claimed his girlfriend had some awesome friends, she wasn't that cool though, you didn't want someone talking to you all sweetly, and Jeff said he had more viable options if I just needed a roll in the hay. You also didn't want to be around Gareth's girl more than you needed to, she was difficult since all the other stuff went down.

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