The Night is Still Young...(OC!Alasdair x OC!Joseph)*

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**Requested by the banished herself...MunsonsLair
Hope I did your boy justice...

Warnings: 18+



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Pitter Patter. The sound and smell of a fresh rain fall. It made a man feel nostalgic and romantic.


I watched the water fall and then spread about the ground. It was raining hard. Like the sky was opening up and trying to get me to feel, I didn't want that, I came here to be of use.

Normally I would just call it a night, but I was weary, so weary. The traveling, the chore of doing my duty. I just wanted to get a moment, catch my breath.

The smell of the wet pavement reminded me of that night, my stomach tightened and tears threatened to leave my ducts if I remained in this state for too long.

I need a distraction. A release.

I see a bar across the street from me, perfect. I flipped my collar on my wool coat, pulling my scarf tighter and hurrying back out into the cold to get to the door. As I approach I can see that the place is dark, shit, what time was it even?

I am sure they are getting ready to close up. As I was about to move past, roam under the darkness I hear movement, as I turn there is a meeting of our eyes through the door.

His dark, brown and warm. Welcoming. Instantly you want to delve further.

Yet. Alasdair you don't know... you can't know.

Pain. Heart ache. More Pain. This was my world. I am a monster to these people. A arch type etched into lore, an erotic fantasy built and sustained only by cruel whispers of those that dare think or imagine anything whimsical

I was Alasdair Fyffe. I was a werewolf.

A werewolf is nothing but a scourge to humanity, all teeth and no real beauty. At least that's what I gathered from posters and movies. A man that turns into a wolf, they didn't understand the reality. The damage and the pride.

I was the heir to my clan. The last male wolf of the Fyffe bloodline. An Alpha.

I was also branded with the name, Fallen Prince. I have secrets, my father calls them sins or regrets, but I know better, it isn't a regret that my heart holds.

Why am I outside a bar in Indiana? Why am I standing in front of one of the most beautiful men I've ever dared to look at?

A search.

I was sent to Indiana to look around for a lost soul. An orphan wolf that is in need of a pack.

It was a mission, a redemption for me to return to my pack a leader. The man looked me up and down, his lip tucked between his teeth, slowly to be released from its plush prison to showcase another desirable appendage, a soft and warm colored tongue. He wet his lips and you wanted to savor what this man's appendages would all taste like.

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