chapter forty two

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The next morning, someone knocks on my bedroom door, before peeking their head around the corner. I am met by Alec's face, which looks calm and collected, surprising considering our situation.

"Buongiorno, Ami, spero che tu abbia dormito bene," he says, plastering a large smile on his face, seemingly happy. Good morning, Ami, I hope that you slept well.

"Ho dormito bene, grazie. C'è un motivo per cui sei qui o è solo per fissarmi, in tutta la mia gloria?" I ask politely, however a sarcastic tone lies underneath my words. I slept fine, thank you. Is there a reason you are here or is it just to stare at me, in all of my glory?

"We talked and argued a lot last night, finally coming to a sensible and reasonable conclusion, regarding our current... situation." A grimace falls on his face after his short pause, almost as if it pains him to say it. We talked and argued a lot last night, finally coming to a sensible and reasonable conclusion, regarding our current... situation.

"Che cos'è? Hai intenzione di dirmelo? Posso aspettare, immagino, non è che non ho niente di meglio da fare che sedermi qui e ascoltare mio fratello maggiore inveire sulle soluzioni che ha per me." I chuckle at my own sentence, before facing Alec again, to see his reaction. What is it? Are you going to tell me? I can wait, I guess, it is not like I have anything better to do than sit here and listen to my older brother rant on about the solutions he has for me.

"Sei molto divertente. Comunque, mamma e papà vogliono parlarti in salotto per chiarire un paio di cose." Alec gestured for me to come over to him, as a way for him to lead me to the dining room. You are very funny. Anyway, mum and dad want to talk to you out in the lounge room to clear a couple of things up

I do as I was silently instructed to, slowly getting up off the bed, and following after Alec, going to what I assume is the dining room. Our walk is quiet, and both of us are trapped inside our minds probably thinking about very different things, but they tie back to the same idea. Our family.

Skipping down the set of stairs, I come face to face with the rest of my immediate family, who stares at me intently, curious looks filling all of their expressions.

"Veniamo in pace," Alec jokes, raising his hands up, in mock surrender. We come in peace.

"So che lo fai. Siediti sul divano. Entrambi, abbiamo un po' di cui parlare." My mother pats the seat next to her, wanting me to sit next to her. I know you do. Have a seat on the sofa. Both of you, we have a bit to talk about.

Slowly, after getting Alec's approval, I head over to where my mother sits, and make myself comfortable on the large, plush sofa, mentally preparing me for what is going to come.

"Tua madre, i tuoi fratelli ed io abbiamo deciso che siamo stati un po' troppo severi con te, sono sicuro che puoi essere d'accordo, Ami," my father says, sitting up a little straighter in his seat, as he talks. Your mother, brothers and I have decided that we were a little bit too harsh on you, I am sure that you can agree, Ami.

I nod my head, knowing that it is too early to be talking about a deep topic like this. I also really need some food.

"A quindici anni, tutti i tuoi fratelli si erano guadagnati una reputazione e la maggior parte di loro era tutt'altro che buona. A quindici anni, sei controllato e tenuto nascosto, da noi. Ma non per molto," my mother explains, a gentle smile on her face. At fifteen years old, all of your brothers had gained their own reputation, and most of them were far from good. At fifteen years old, you are controlled and kept hidden, by us. But not for much longer.

"In cambio di alcune informazioni, siamo disposti a fare un passo indietro e a tenervi d'occhio. Ancora non incontri, e mancanza di rispetto però. In questa casa abbiamo ancora delle regole," my father continues on from my mother, looking into my eyes, making sure that I understand what he is saying. In exchange for some information, we are willing to back off a lot, and just keep an eye on you. Still not dating, and disrespect though. In this house, we still have rules.

"Che informazione stai cercando?" I ask skeptically, raising my eyebrows in suspicion. What information are you looking for?

"Abbiamo bisogno che tu confermi i nomi dei tuoi bulli. So che è difficile, ma sappiamo già chi sono e abbiamo solo bisogno di una risposta per sporgere denuncia," Alex cuts in, probably wanting to say something. We need you to confirm your bullies' names. I know that this is hard, but we already know who they are, and just need an answer to press charges.

My breath gets caught in my throat at the thought of having to say their names. Their abuse went on for so long, and was painful, lasting for longer than it should have.

"Perché improvvisamente cambi idea? Solo ieri, eravate tutti disposti a firmare via la mia vita, solo perché. Cosa è cambiato?" I look at all of my brothers, before gazing at my mother and father. Why do you suddenly have a change of heart? Only yesterday, you were all willing to sign my life away, just because. What changed?

"Tua madre ci ha dato un po' di buon senso. Abbiamo anche visto come Rosemary ha gestito suo figlio. E anche se è un adulto, è stato un campanello d'allarme. A tutti noi," my father explains, and a sense of pride swells in my heart. The only other Romano woman. Your mother talked some sense into us. We also saw how Rosemary handled her son. And even though he is an adult, it was a wake up call. To all of us.

"Ti darò i loro nomi più tardi. Ho bisogno di un sacco di caffè per svegliarmi da quel jet lag," I mumble, standing up from my spot on the sofa. I will give you their names later. I need a lot of coffee to wake up from that jet lag.

A/N: Hey guys!!!! Thank you so much for 13.9k, it means the world to me. Also, thank you so much for reading. If you enjoyed this chapter, please remember to vote, comment and continue reading when I update again tomorrow evening. I love you all so much!!!!!! Byeeeeeee <<<<<<3

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