chapter fourteen

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To say the least, I began to enjoy sitting through my family's meetings. It's not like I listened to anything they said, and a couple of times, I even fell asleep on my dad's lap. It was a bit embarrassing, but I didn't mind.

The week seemed to fly past, and I didn't even notice that I would be starting school tomorrow. My school uniform was already shipped to our home, since they had my size in clothing, already. To be honest, I don't want to start school, especially after my previous school. That place was like my personal hell, but isn't it like that for everyone?

We have just eaten dinner as a family, before departing our separate ways. Tonight, Alexander is sleeping in my bed with me. I have a feeling that he'll be really strict because he's the oldest sibling.

"Ok, cimice, I think it's time to get in your pj's. We can sit in your room and do stuff. How does that sound?" My eldest brother asks. Baby bug.

In the past week, I have been building up my strength, trying to walk around a little bit. Since I have to go to school tomorrow, it would be good if I could stand up without wobbling, and nearly falling on my face.

"Here, Ami. We'll walk up the stairs slowly, I'll hold onto you extra tight. I promise that you will not fall." Alexander says, in a gentle tone.

I nod my head, slowly standing my body up, and leaning myself up against him. Deep down, I know that I could walk on my own, but I'm too scared of falling. One step at a time, Alexander leads me through their ginormous mansion. Eventually, we arrive at my room.

"You can choose what you want to wear to bed tonight, ok cimice. I'll be right outside." I nod my head, listening as my feet shuffle toward the massive walk-in closet I have. Baby bug.

I pick out something that will keep me warm since I might get cold at night.

I slowly make my way back to Alexander, who stands at my door, his eyes glued to his phone. When he notices my presence, he lifts his gaze and gives me an approving nod. A small smile rises on my face, liking the fact that he is happy about my clothing choices.

No matter how much I hate this family, seeing them proud of me, makes me feel good about myself.

As Alexander invites himself into my room, two guards are behind him, standing at my door, with no emotions on their face. My eldest brother lifts me onto my bed, and lays down next to me, taking his fancy work shoes off. I should ask what they do for work. It couldn't be anything bad, because I sat through many of their meetings. But still, I'm curious.

"Ami, it is already eight pm. What do you say, we call it a night? Maybe just lay down?" Alexander suggests.

"Yeah, okay, sure." I accept his offer, lowering myself down on the bed, and pulling the comforter over Alexander, and myself.

However, my oldest brother gets up, claiming that he will be back in minutes, he just has to get changed into some clothes that he is able to sleep in. I nod my head waiting patiently as Alexander leaves the room.

As promised, he returns a couple of minutes later, sporting only a pair of black joggers, leaving his hefty six-pack on full display. I avert my eyes like I do when I see all of my brothers shirtless, fiddling with my fingers in my lap.

Alexander hops back into bed with me, pulling the comforter around his body, and wrapping one hand around my waist, lovingly.

"Good night, cimice," Alexander whispers, stroking my hair gently, lulling me into a light sleep.


I groan, as my eyes open, light flooding through the closed windows.

"Alex," I sigh, forcing myself to wake up. "I have school today."

"Yeah, Ami, I know. I've been trying to wake you for half an hour," he says softly.

"What's the time?" I ask, not wanting to be late for my first day.

"7:32 am." He responds, checking his phone that is on the bedside table.

"Ahh," I jump out of my bed, rushing to my closet, testing my sore and weak body.

I throw on the uniform, the is draped over a small sofa, making sure that the skirt isn't too long, or too short. I tie the laces of my school shoes, before speeding into my personal bathroom, brushing my teeth, and brushing my straight hair, keeping it down today.

I curl my eyelashes with a curler, which my brothers thought was pair of scissors. I guess that they don't use make-up.

"I ready," I gasp dramatically practically running down the main staircase, announcing to everyone that I am here.

"You look beautiful, Ami. But I think that the skirt is too short," Stefano says a frown making its way on his face.

"Mmm, maybe, but no one will see, because my brothers are there to stop them." A pout lines my lips, and I bring out my puppy dog eyes. They always work.

"Fine, But if we get a call from the principal saying that someone is perving on you. We will all fuck them up." Stefano promises.

"Okay, dolce, Marco, Xander, and Xavier will drive you to school and help you get your schedule, as well as take you to each class. If someone bothers you, I need you to tell one of them. They will tell me or one of your other brothers. Your phone has to be on at all times, in case we call. Ok, and have fun today, Ami." My father gives my forehead a soft kiss. Sweet.

Alexander, Alec, and Stefano all get their turns, telling me what a good day I'm going to have while giving my head a small kiss. I enjoy the love, but would much rather get it from mom. My father hands me back my phone, which looks the same as it did a week ago.

I hold it to my chest gratefully and see a couple of messages from Mack and Posey. This warms my heart because I thought they forgot about me. And I have many missed calls from my mother, as well as dozens of messages from her.

I must remember to call her back today. Maybe during lunchtime or something.

"Come on, Ami, we must go," Marco grabs an apple for me, throwing it my way. I catch it and take a bite.

I walk over to Xavier and Xander who are wearing the school uniform. Together we walk out to the garage, where we ride in a black BMW. Marco is already in the driver's seat.

I sit in the back with Xavier, while Xander is in the passenger seat. The ride is silent, and I am a little bit nervous because Marco is driving fifty kilometers over the speed limit.

Soon, a large school comes into view. I open my mouth in awe, taking in the beautiful school.

"Benvenuta, Ami. Alla tua nuova scuola..." Xavier says loudly from beside me taking in my expression. Welcome, Ami. To your new school...

A/N: Hey guys!!! Thank you so much for 2.5k it means the world to me. Please remember to vote, comment and keep reading when I get another chapter out. I love you all so much, and hope that you all read again tomorrow. Bye for now <<<3

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