chapter seven

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The day passed and was quite boring to say it simply. I went about my own business, playing on my old iPhone for several hours, not knowing what to do in the big house. Lunch and dinner seem to be big meals within my family, since we all ate together, at both times of the day.

The food that was served seemed to cost a lot of money and tasted a lot like heaven. I was sent to my room that night, trying to keep a straight face, believing that I hate my brothers and father, but I couldn't bring myself to turn down Xavier's hug. What can I say, his puppy dog eyes were adorable.

My bed was so comfortable that night, to the point where I almost forgot to take some medicine for my ribs. I had to haul myself from the bed and struggle with the clothes I wore when I left Australia. The Nurofen was in there. I swallowed it dry and winced when it hurt my throat.

The sun and birds cheeping woke me this morning. Cliché, I know. Today is the day I am going shopping. I groan at that thought. I'm almost certain that Xavier, Xander, and Stefano will make today impossible for me.

I get up from the king bed and drag my body downstairs, probably looking a mess from rolling around last night. When I trip my way down the stairs and walk into the living room, my entire family laughs slightly.

Am I really that funny? I mean, yes, I am very funny.

"It is quite late, Ami, were you just sleeping?" My father asks me.

"Yes, why, what time is it?" I respond hesitation in my voice.

"It's one o'clock, Ami, I think you're probably just jetlagged," Stefano says.

This guy is speaking words of wisdom.

"Are you ready to go shopping, succhiare il miele?" Xavier asks me. Honey suckle.

"Mmmmm," I reply, planning on wearing my PJs.

"Ok," my older brother says, trying to muffle a laugh.

"We're going in my car, Ami, I'll just get my car keys, then we can go," Xander tells me, as Xavier and Stefano stand up from their seats.

"Grab a banana before you leave please, I'd hate for you to die from starvation." My father says sternly, leaving no room for argument.

"I will," I quickly take a banana from the fruit bowl, peeling it open.

At the same time, I put my only pair of shoes on, meeting Stefano, Xavier, and Xander at the door. Xavier takes my hand into his, as we walk through the garage to Xander's car. Stefano slides into the passenger seat, while Xander sits in the driver's seat. Xavier is in the back with me. We're both next to a window, the middle seat being free.

I already know that the door is locked, so I don't even try to open it. After all, it would ruin my plan. I do not want to stay with my so-called family. So today, I plan on escaping. Going on a shopping spree with three of my brothers sounds quite unappealing, but when escaping was an opportunity, it became less boring.

We pull up at a parking lot with is very full. Good, that makes it easier to escape.

Xander opens my door, and mockingly salutes, grabbing my hand once I step out. I obey his silent demand, not struggling in his hold, as I sometimes might have.

We travel to the shopping mall. Most people move away from us, giving me timid and unsure looks. On the other hand, lots of young women approach us, some even touching my brothers, and the majority giving me some very angry glares.

They probably think I stole their man.

Nope, they can definitely have them back. I do not want them. We go into a school shop first, where the staff are quick to help us with any queries we may have, what school I go to and what stuff I need.

We are quickly in and out of that store. I now own a uniform for the soon-to-be private school, I'll attend. Clothes are next, and it would be an understatement if I said it was hard. My brothers would just pick up any clothes I looked at since I refused to waste their money.

When we got to the checkout, and the woman was scanning the clothes, I got a glimpse at the price. My eyes dramatically widen, it must look comical to onlookers since my brothers all snicker under their breaths.

$2,894.03 is not something I'd laugh about, especially since it's only clothes.

"Zucchero, go wait outside, I know you won't let me pay for it," Stefano orders, pointing towards the clothing store's entrance. Sugar.

I open my mouth to talk back when I realize that this is a perfect opportunity to escape this horridly perfect place.

I close my mouth, and nod my head, before muttering a small 'yes', knowing that my family prefers that.

"Good, go wait outside, Ami, we'll be out in a second," Xander tells me, pushing my body softly, to cross over the threshold of the store.

I sigh and take a seat on the bench, which is directly across the store, a mere twenty-five meters away from three of my overprotective big brothers.

If I don't do this right, someone will catch me, and then I'll be in trouble. And that's the last thing I want right now. All I want is to get out of this big ass mall successfully and skip the country... with the thirty-something dollars I currently have.

I mean, I'm willing to get a job, it will probably be good for my work ethic, anyway. It's been several minutes, and I'm swinging my legs back and forth on the bench, waiting for the perfect time.

Suddenly, a random young boy walks over to me. He'd have to be around my age.

"Hai bisogno di aiuto, bella?" His question is subtle, as he sits, staring ahead. Do you need help, beautiful?

I completely forgot the fact that no one in Italy speaks Italian as their first language. Well, except me.

"Ho bisogno di un favore," I mutter quietly in Italian. I need a favor.

"Qualsiasi cosa per una ragazza bella come te," he says cockily, causing me to roll my eyes. Anything for a girl as pretty as you.

"Dentro quel negozio ci sono tre dei miei fratelli, ho bisogno che tu stia di fronte a me, così posso scappare." I say, pointing to the clothing store my brothers are currently inside, not knowing that I'm about to leave. Inside that store are three of my brothers, I need you to stand in front of me, so I can get away.

"Cosa ottengo in cambio, angelo?" He asks, a smirk rising on his handsome face. What do I get in return, angel?

"Un bacio è abbastanza buono per il tuo culo egoista?" A big grin now adorns my face. Is a kiss good enough for your egoistic ass?

"Suona bene," he leans in. That sounds great.

I quickly push my head forwards, and allow my lips to collide with his. I'm not going to say that it felt magical or there were sparks, because that's so cliché. But it was definitely better than good.

Mystery boy who I just kissed stands up, shielding me from the clothing store. I sprint in the opposite direction. But not before shouting:

"Grazie, ragazzo misterioso, mi piacerebbe davvero baciarti di nuovo." Thank you , mystery boy, I'd sure like to kiss you again.

I'm taking risks in life now.

A/N: Hey guys, I'm so sorry for the slightly late chapter. I got home last night and I just crawled into bed because I'm so tired. Anyway, thank you so much for reading, I'm so thankful for you all. Please remember to vote, comment and read when I get another chapter out. I love you all, bye <<<3

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