chapter thirty five

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It has been one month since we transferred to Slovenia, and I am confident that it was the best decision of my life. Eli and I have started unofficially dating, much to Noah's distaste. He often rants on to me about 'how it is not good for my training,' and 'dating gets in the way of my mission.'

I think that he is talking bullshit, but instead of sharing my opinion, I keep it to myself, smiling and nodding at his biased words. My trainings have become more intense, forcing me to fight harder and faster than ever before. I am now accustomed with how a gun feels in my hands, and the pressure it puts on my arm, when I take a shot.

After the first two weeks passed, I started to think that my family weren't going to come, and that they had accepted my decision to leave. Despite this, I am always on my guard, looking out for them and their wretched men.

It is dark outside. Stars shine through the closed window, reflecting on different furniture items throughout me and Elijah's room. Under the covers, we lay, soundlessly cuddling. Eli got rid of his phone after Xavier called us, smashing the sim card, and proceeding to dump it in a river, positioned near the edge of town.

I look up at the boy, who is holding me tightly in his hold, as if scared that I am going to leave him. He looks back down at me, and we make comfortable eye contact, gazing into each other's souls.

Elijah's eyes are mesmerizing, and make me want to look at them forever. But eventually we break eye contact, because I have needs. #blinkinglivesmatter.

Every night we follow the same routine. Go downstairs, bid goodnight to Mr. and Mrs. Jones. Brush our teeth in the main bathroom, since it doesn't creak a lot, and isn't as scary as some of the others. Then, Eli brushes my hair, as I fix our bed to make it more comfortable for sleeping. We fluff out our pillows, before laying down on the bed.

Also, we each have two pillows, because people who only use one pillow, are a little strange... no, they are actually a lot strange.

Tonight is no different. We say goodnight to Mr. Jones and Mrs. Jones, before retreating to our nighttime routines. In no time, Elijah and I are in bed.

At night, we negotiated that the window would be kept shut and double bolted with locks, but there wouldn't be a curtain. That is the way the Eli prefers it, and since he and his family have done so much for me, I couldn't disagree.

But tonight, I am unable to fall asleep, tossing and turning on the king sized bed. Elijah's arm is slung loosely around my waist, but because he is asleep, it isn't hard for me to get him off, For some reason, I feel like something bad will happen.

Hours pass, and the hallway clock ticks softly, irritating me to the maximum. But I don't do anything. Just lay in a docile way, and wait for trouble to find me, that is what I am best at. Drawing bad things, towards the ones I love.

I have counted almost four hours since Elijah and I went to bed. That would make it roughly 3:00AM, the devil hour. Great.

Quiet rustling can be heard from outside, and my spidey senses have been put into action. I make my way from the shared bed, careful with my movements. The last thing I want, is to wake Eli. His sleep is important.

I approach the uncovered window, expecting for me to just be overreacting. But what I see, shocks me.

One black SUV is parked outside our falling apart house. Three unknown men get out of the vehicle, all wearing matching dark suits. I expect to recognize them, but I don't. Three strangers.

And I am sure of who sent them. They begin their journey across the path, leading to our home, and that is when I make a decision. Rushing down the creaky flight of stairs, I fly down to the basement, collecting two handguns, slipping one down my bra, and holding the other one in my hand.

When I shoot back up to the kitchen, I can hear them barreling on the door, wanting to do it the easy way. No thanks, boys.

I slam the front door open, staring into three surprised faces. Ha, their expressions are priceless.

"Devi essere Amity Romano. È un piacere incontrarti finalmente. Il capo parla molto di te." I scoff at the man's words. You must be Amity Romano. It is a pleasure to finally meet you. The boss talks highly about you.

"Di certo sono Amity, e voi ragazzi avete commesso un terribile errore venendo qui stasera. Sto pensando di inviare un messaggio alla mia famiglia. Puoi farlo per me?" I ask flirtatiously, leaning against the doorframe. I most certainly am Amity, and you boys, made a terrible mistake of coming here tonight. I am thinking of sending a message back to my family. Can you do that for me?

"Che tipo di messaggio vuoi inviare, carina?" One of the guards question me, looking perplexed. What sort of message are you wanting to send, pretty?

"Uno efficace." An effective one.

And with that, I put my plan in motion. I take safety off the handgun, I am holding, quickly delivering a non-fatal shot to the middle man's leg. The next man gets a bullet wedged between his forearm, and unfortunately, the last shot hits the man between his dick.

Oh, how unfortunate.

"Fammi prendere qualcosa in fretta, non muoverti." I sprint back into the house, snatching a tinted lipstick, and one of the several burner phones, before running back outside. Let me just get something quickly, don't move.

I scribble in lipstick across all of the men, each holding different words and symbols. I then dial my father's main phone number. After the third ring he picks up.

"Cosa vuoi? Ho di meglio da fare che parlare con te." I almost laugh at his words, but regain my posture, switching to facetime mode, and flipping the camera around to face the three injured men. What do you want? I have better things to do, than talk to you.

"Old man, are you embarrassed. I beat your men with one blow each, and even had time to do some art. Do you like it?" I can't help the smirk that rises on my face, even though my father can't see it.

"What the fuck have you done, Amity? When I get my hands on you, you'll never be leaving the house, again, do you understand?" He growls into the phone.

"I don't understand how I defeated three of your men, so quickly, it seems that you underestimate me. I will see you soon, hopefully by then, you will have gotten your shit together. Arrivederci" I hang up the phone, feeling very smug. Goodbye.

I look towards the lipstick words that I drew across the three men's bodies, and smile.

Don't under estimate me old man.

And with that, I shut the door in their faces, mockingly waving.

A/N: Hey guys!! Thank you so much for 10.2k reads, it means the world to me. If you enjoyed this chapter, please remember to vote, comment and continue reading when I upload another chapter tomorrow night. I love you all so much!!! Byeee <<<3

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