chapter thirty six

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Three months have now passed since I kicked the three men's asses. And for the next week, I felt pretty godly, but Noah scolded me, and demanded that I stopped talking so highly of myself. He said that there was a lot of time in the future to brag, but now, I must train.

I agreed with him, and fought harder than ever, becoming an incredible fighter. However, hand to hand combat was not my thing. My scrawny arms were just not made out for it.

I was beginning to tell that Elijah was getting sick of me spending a lot of my time with Noah. The attractive mafia trainer, who helped me fight for something that I really wanted. But I am a faithful person, and there is no way that I would ever cheat on my boyfriend, who sacrificed his career, and his family's time, just for me.

Noah and I have had a shorter day than expected, and I told Eli that I would be home at six o'clock, but it is beginning to look like I will be back by two o'clock.

I thank my personal trainer, who has a habit for walking me to the front door, before slowly opening it, waving softly at Noah as he walks in the other direction. I was told this morning that Mr. and Mrs. Jones wouldn't be back until after seven o'clock tonight, so when I hear loud noises, my instinct takes control.

Thrashing and growling can be heard from upstairs, probably in Elijah and my room. Worry begins to cloud my vision at the thought of Eli getting injured. Someone might be upstairs trying to hurt my boyfriend.

I sprint up the stairs, taking the gun that I keep in the waistband of my jeans, and take it off of safety. Banging our bedroom door open, I am met with a sight that brings tears to my eyes.

On our king sized bed, lays Elijah, with his naked body wrapped around a girl. A girl who is definitely not me. My mouth opens in shock, and a small cry escapes my throat. Eli looks over to me, tensing up in his position, and so does the girl.

"Tesoro, non mi avevi detto che avevi una sorella," she purrs, seductively. Babe, you didn't tell me that you had a sister.

"Lui no, io sono la sua ragazza. Chi cazzo sei e perché sei nel mio letto?" I snap at her, not backing down, like I usually would. He doesn't, I am his girlfriend. Who the fuck are you, and why are you in my bed?

"Il tuo letto? Fidanzata? Eli ed io siamo una cosa da più di un mese ormai. I suoi genitori sono fuori durante la giornata, così come la sua cosiddetta "fidanzata". Ha bisogno di una vera donna, non di una ragazzina come te." The girl mocks me. Your bed? Girlfriend? Eli and I have been a thing for over a month now. His parents are out in the day, and so is his so called 'girlfriend.' He needs a real woman, not a little girl like you.

Part of what she is saying, isn't incorrect. She would have to be an adult. Her lips fillers, and Botox tell me. Her long, blonde dyed hair, looks more fake than a Barbie's does. Even from underneath the sheet, I can see that her tits are huge, and there is no doubt that she is at least double my size. And the fact that she uses my nickname for Elijah, makes me fucking mad.

"Cutie, non adesso, per favore. Penso che io e Amity abbiamo alcune cose di cui discutere." At first I thought that he was talking to me, since he said the word 'cutie,' but I quickly realise that he was referring to that girl. Cutie, not right now please. I think Amity and I have some things to discuss.

Elijah unwraps the sheet from his body, to reveal his nakedness to me. I see the cum that covers the bedsheets, and I can't help but gag, knowing that she makes his feel that good. Better than I did.

"Ami, cutie, I promise, she is only a way to relieve stress, and I know that you and that Noah boy, are doing the same thing." Elijah tries to grab my arms, but I yank away from him, backing towards the bedroom door.

"I haven't done anything with Noah. You mean too much to me. And I guess that I thought I meant something to you too. Obviously, I am sorely mistaken. Have fun with your new slut, because she will never be as good as me."

And with that, I turn on my heel, and walk out of the bedroom door. I grab one of the burner phones from downstairs, and quickly call Noah's number.

"Hello," his voice says, picking up just before it goes to voicemail.

"Hey Noah, it is me, Ami. I know you just dropped me off, but I... uh... need a favor," I say hesitantly, not wanting to pressure him into anything, since we only recently started our training.

"Shoot away, Ami, I am all ears," Noah quickly says, in a reassuring way.

"I just caught Elijah cheating on me with some unnatural blonde bimbo. I want to execute our plan now. Call in all of the troops. We are going back to Italy, to get justice."

I smile to the wall, like I am in a Tik Tok edit.

"I will meet you at your house in ten minutes. I am excited."

A/N: Hey guys!! Thank you so much for 10.8k reads, it means the world to me. If you enjoyed this chapter, please remember to vote, comment and keep reading when I update again tomorrow night. I love you all so much!! Bye for now <<<3

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