chapter thirty eight

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Noah and I catch a taxi to a street that is a mere three blocks away from the Romano house, and it is very quiet. Almost too quiet. No stray cats can be heard, no broken streetlights flashing, no rowdy, drunk men fighting after a game of poker gone wrong.

But we brush it off. Climbing out of the cab, I pay the driver, with some extra money, thanking him for the ride, and then politely leave, waiting for him to drive off, so it doesn't look suspicious.

Together, Noah and I slowly make our way to the Romano house, mentally preparing ourselves for a battle that will be two people (us), against a lot more of them. It is daunting, especially since I will be facing my family for the first time in several months, except this time, I am a new person.

I take Noah's hand, as a way to say 'I am here for you, it is alright.' He looks down at our loosely connected hands and smiles, before making eye contact with me.

"We're here." His voice says.

I look towards the house that we have stopped in front of, and as Noah said, we are here. Guards line the perimeter, seeming a lot like statues. We don't pay a lot of attention to them, and they don't pay a lot of attention to us.

"You got the grenade?" Noah asks, side-eyeing me.


"The five handguns?"

"Check," I respond again.

"What about the letter?"

At this question, I smirk. "Check."

"Time to go in then, Ami."

We walk a simple twenty-five meters, to where the first guard stands. Just as we planned. Our acting starts now, and let me tell you, we deserve an Oscar.

"Ciao, mi dispiace tanto. Mia moglie ed io siamo appena arrivati da Venezia e abbiamo bisogno di un piccolo aiuto, vedete, non conosciamo molto bene questa nuova parte d'Italia. Dovremmo incontrarci con una famiglia, mi chiedevo se potessi dirci da che parte andare e qual è questo posto che stai custodindo." Noah says, putting on his best accent. Hi, I am so sorry. My wife and I have just come from Venice, and are in need of a little help, you see, we are not very familiar with this new part of Italy. We are supposed to meet with some family, I was wondering if you could tell us what way to go, and what this place you are guarding is.

Since it is dark, the guards haven't seen me yet, and are entranced with talking to Noah, who- so far- is giving us a believable act.

"Certo certo. Presumo tu sappia che sei in Sicilia. Questa è la casa dei Romano. Sono persone abbastanza famose. Sono sicuro che sai tutto di loro. Dove sta cercando di andare un ragazzo come te? Hai detto che eri sposato? Tu, figliolo, sembri molto giovane. Mia figlia a casa ha diciannove anni e non sta nemmeno pensando di uscire insieme. L'uomo per cui lavoro, il signor Romano, anche lui ha una figlia, e lascia che te lo dica, un matrimonio giovane per lei non andrebbe bene. Apparentemente, è una bellezza, ma è decollata dai modi pericolosi della sua famiglia. Troppo per lei da gestire. A dire il vero, non posso biasimare la povera ragazza, con fratelli, cugini, zii, un padre e un nonno come quelli che ha lei. Sono sorpreso che non sia diventata matta dopo il primo mese di convivenza con loro." The guard begins rambling on, and if it weren't for another guard silencing him, I think that Noah and I would have discovered this man's entire life story. Of course, of course. I presume you know that you are in Sicily. This is the Romano home. Quite famous people they are. I am sure that you know all about them. Where is a young chap like yourself trying to go? Did you say that you were married? You, son, look very young. My daughter at home is nineteen and isn't even thinking about dating. The man I work for, Mr. Romano, even he has a daughter, and let me tell you, a young marriage for her wouldn't go well. Apparently, she is a beauty but has taken off from her family's dangerous ways. Too much for her to handle. To be honest, I can't blame the poor girl, with brothers, cousins, uncles, a father, and a grandfather like the ones that she has. I am surprised that she didn't go insane after the first month of living with them.

Within the time, when the man will not stop talking, I slip behind him and start to use a small device to break the security code, as a way to get past the iron gates. His talk goes for nearly two minutes, and by the time that is done, my small machine has cracked the code.


What a simple code. But when I think about it more, I realize that they are my initials. Amity Scarlett Romano. Noah swings a bat that was hidden behind his body, and smashes the guard across the face, before moving onto the next.

After I type the code in, the front gates open, slowly maneuvering so we can get in, but Noah is still in a mood, wanting to bash all of the guards. By the time he has knocked down fifteen men, I step in, stopping him from injuring more people.

Noah flashes me a grateful smile, before stepping over the unconscious bodies of the men he mercilessly striked down. I get one of my handguns that was forced inside my holster, and have it against my body, in a menacing way.

I turn back for a second, to see that most of the guards are knocked out, and the ones that aren't look towards Noah. Some look terrified, others look surprised, and others look amazed.

Walking to the side of one of the front pools, Noah is quick to knock out three more guards with a single blow. I would interact, and use my weapons, but I don't have a desire to kill anyone, and I wouldn't be sticking to the convenient plan that we constructed.

Getting a pin out of my hair, I pull the old trick, sliding the hair piece into the part where a key would sit. After a couple of seconds of jiggling it around, I can hear a soft click, and a smile makes its way to my face, as I realize how easy it was.

The front door widens all by itself, and I am re-introduced to the house that I bolted from a few months ago. As a scared little girl. Now, I barely recognize her.

"Step one complete."

A/N: Hey guys!!! Thank you so much for reading and for 11.9k reads. I hope that you all enjoyed this chapter. If you did, please remember to vote, comment and continue reading when I post another update tomorrow night. I love you all so much. Byeee!!!!! <<<<3

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