Chapter 21

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3rd POV

It seemed like they had been wandering, following this strange, misty red lion, for hours when in reality? They've only been walking for 2 hours.

"How much further?" Zane asked the lion.

It simply flicked its tail. Zane looked back to see Cole having to reposition Jay a few times. Nya seemed to be growing tired and Skylor's peachy skin seemed to be starting to pale. Turning ahead, Morro seemed to slow before he tripped and fell. The group stopped and Zane heaved Morro up.

"You alright?" Zane asked.

"Just... Really tired... And sore..." Morro replied. "We didn't really get much rest time since the incident in Kean."

"True." Zane looked up to see the lion had stopped and had its nose in the air. "What is it, my friend?"

The Titanium Nindroid's falcon swooped low before the lion raced off to their left. Everyone looked with wide eyes so Zane created a path of Ice while Morro used wind to propel them forward; everyone's strength suddenly coming back at full capacity. They managed to catch up with the lion just as it jumped at a figure lying on the ground and disappeared.

"Kai...!" Nya gasped as she lowered Skylor down and ran to her brother's side. "Kai?!"

The boy didn't budge. Upon seeing the arrow lodged into his shoulder, they immediately thought it could be due to whatever the arrow was made of. But the strange thing was that his lion ears and tail were missing.

"The arrow doesn't seem to be made of Wild Bramble branches." Zane began as he analysed the arrow. "So that's a good sign. But I cant tell what the arrow head is made of nor if it's coated in anything."

"Regardless," Cole piped up. "We need to get him, Skylor and Jay back to the Bounty and quickly. I dont think we can risk any delay on Sky's part."

The redhead was swaying on her feet and was even paler and had evidence of the black poison moving up her neck. How bad it was under the collar and her shirt was unknown, but if it had already reached her neck? Its gotta be bad.

"Come in, Bounty!" Nya began as she pressed her earpiece.

"Bounty Here." Pixal replied. "What's wrong?"

"We've found Kai but he's in an unconcious state with an arrow in his shoulder. Not to mention Jay's unable to walk and Skylor's been cut with a Wild Bramble Thorn. How close can you get the Bounty?"

"Well try and get as close as we can."

"I'll start making an antidote for Skylor." Came Varian's voice. "But I may not be able to make anything for Kearin until we know if the arrow was laced with anything. Just keep and eye on Skylor."

"Will do." Nya replied before the ended the discussion. She then turned towards the group. "Pix and the others are going to try and get the Bounty as close to our current location as possible."

"Lets just hope they're not to late..." Morro replied with worry.

Skylor was leaning against a tree, Zane was by Kai's side while Cole was trying his best to tie a sash around Jay's injured leg without hurting him. Upon closer insepction, Nua noticed Cole had tied Jay's sash around the injury.

"I hope Pixal, Wu, Varian and Lloyd get here soon..." Nya began softly.

"They'll get here before we know it." Morro replied. "But in the meantime? We've got each other. And that's all that matters right now."

"You're right."


It had gotten pretty dark pretty quickly. Morro was standing guard around the camp with Nya, Zane and Cole. He was keeping his guard up incase more of those DemiBeasts decided to show their faces. And he was right. They were surrounded by glowing eyes and growls in a matter of seconds.

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