Chapter 6

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3rd POV

"Its nice to see you all again." Morro smiled as he joined Vania's side and placed a hand on the princess's shoulder. "And I can tell you want to know how I'm even here."

"We do require and explanation." Nya nodded as she crossed her arms over her chest.

"Walk with me." Morro gestured before he placed a kiss on Vania's forehead and wandered off; the ninja swallowing their shock and scurrying after the Master of Wind.

They followed him to a balcony where they then stood. Morro turned to face the group, hands behind his back before he began.

"Where to begin?" Morro said to himself.

"How about from the beginning." Jay replied, sternly.

"Ok then. It all started when Master Wu found me-"

"Not that Far, Dumbass!" Cole grumbled. "Because we already know! And it left some pretty strong scars on both me and Lloyd...!" Cole then moved his fringe to reveal the ghostly green scar that ran down from his forehead, just past his bottom eyelid.

"Oo~! That's a good one." Morro smirked as he leant forward, only for Cole to scowl and move his fringe back.

"Just tell us how you came back, Morro." Lloyd sighed. "Because last time we checked; you were drowned and taken by the Preeminent."

"That's true." Morro continued. "But during the events of the Sons Of Garmadon, when they used the three Oni Masks to Resurrect Garmadon himself, multiple tears in the time rift continuum opened up." Morro turned to look out over the city. "Many that were cursed to live in, both the cursed and departed relms, were pulled through what's called as Ressurection Rifs. Meaning souls like me were pulled back into the world of the living."

"We're sorry..." Skylor replied, softly. "I dont really know what happened with you back then, but I can tell you didnt really want nor expect this to happen."

"I didn't." Morro turned back to face the group. "But It did. So I'm treating it like a second chance. A second Chance at life. But I wasn't the only one that was mistakenly ressurected. Many Villains were pulled through and scattered across our relm. People like the Time Twins, Clouse, Chen and anyone else that was sent there before Garmadon returned with the masks."

"So we could quite possibly have to face all these villains agAIN?!" Jay cried. "Great! Just Another Day In Ninjago!"

"Sounds like History might be repeating itself." Nya added with a worried tone.

"Possibly, but There hasnt been any evidence of Villainous activity since the Overlord's final defeat." Morro continued.

"That's good to know." Zane replied.

"If the rift opened in the departed relm," Cole began. "That means anyone could've passed through, not matter how long they've been gone, right?"

"Yes...?" Morro answered with a hesitant tone. "Why do you ask?"

"That means some old elemental masters could've passed through...! That means I could see my mother again..."

"You could, if she passed through. And let me tell you, from someone who already experienced it, depending on how close one was to Garmadon when he was brought back, determines the strength of the pull. Strong enough and you'd get pulled through. The further you are from him; the easier it was to break the pull. She may not've come back."

Cole's face fell slightly. They then headed back inside the palace when Vania wandered over with a scroll in hand.

"This is what you came for, no?" she smiled as she held it out to Lloyd. "The map to our sister Kingdom; Kean."

"It is...!" Lloyd gasped as he unraveled the parchment.

"Than you, Princess Vania." Zane smiled.

"No problem!" she replied.

"But are you sure you want to give this to us?"

"I trust you all, and besides! Our scribes made three other copies incase of situations like this or similar."

"That's a relief to know." Nya beamed. "You don't know how thankful I am for you to lend this to us. You're gonna help me find my brother."

"I understand. Good luck on your journey, Ninja!"


Lloyd, Cole, Jay, Zane and Nya turned to leave. As Skylor left, she stopped and turned towards Morro.

"Hey, Morro?" she began, in which caused the team to stop and for the latter to look up at her. "Would you like to come with us? You were still a ninja, right? The Sage Ninja? The Master of Wind and Sensei's first pupil?"

"I-I was..." Morro replied with a downcast look. "But I'm not anymore."

"What do you mean?"

"I died, Skylor, and my Ninja status along with it. I'm not the Master of Wind. I'm no longer the Sage Ninja. I-!"

"Shut Up!" Nya exclaimed as she stomped over, before prodding the man in the chest. "You Are The Sage Ninja! You Are An Elemental Master! I Felt The Same Way When Sensei Said I Was To Be The Water Ninja! I just wanted to be Samurai X. But fate had other plans."

"You said this was a second chance, right?" Jay piped up as he and the others joined Nya's side. "Then its a second chance to be a ninja."

"You'll always be a ninja." Lloyd continued with a soft tone. "Regardless of what's happened, alright? You were sensei's first student, his son and, by defult? My cousin."

"And Our Brother." Zane finished as he placed a hand on Cole's shoulder as the other nodded with his arms crossed.

Morro looked at Vania, whom simply nodded with a loving smile. Morro smiled and kissed her right hand. He then moved to the team with a confident look.

"Its nice to have you on the team." Skylor smiled.

"Thanks for making me take my own advice." Morro smiled back. "Now lets go find our hothead friend."

Apologies for a long wait for a short chapter.

I don't have any internet at home and currently borrowing it from work.

So Morro has rejoined the team! Yay!

Just a heads up, if you haven't noticed from A Game Of Chance, Morro's going to be making alot of re-appearances due to my headcannons and how my AUs work.


Hope you enjoyed!

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