Chapter 5

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3rd POV

The team were in the bounty and ready to go. Skylor had joined the team on their journey and was bunking with Nya. Skylor wandered out onto the deck of the ship, to where the boys were training with the mini training course, and flashed a smile towards them as they looked up at her.

"You wanna spare, Skylor?" Cole questioned with a big grin.

"Sure!" Skylor replied with her own smile.

She then charged at him with no warning and caught him off guard. Cole threw his arms up, defensivly, but skidded back slightly as he struggled to keep steadt footing. Without any consolation from the other, Jay charged and jumped with a high kick. Skylor managed to duck just in the nick of time, only to have Lloyd throw a punch towards her face.

Skylor dropped and sweeped Lloyd's feet out from underneath him. When Skylor stood up again, she was taken into a headlock by the Master of Water. With a grunt, Skylor gripped the other girl's forearms. She then lent forward and threw the raven haired girl into Zane who was just about to shoot ice at the redhead's feet.

"You're getting stronger, Skylor!" Cole beamed as he helped Lloyd to his feet.

"Thanks!" She smiled. She then noticed how Jay was hunched iver with his hands on his knees and wheezing. "You Alright, Jay?"

"Y-Yeah...!" He wheezed. "My... Binder...'s bit tight...! Struggling to breathe...!"

Nya then joined his side and directed him inside. Skylor's face suddenly fell upon seeing the couple. Tears pricked her eyes and Cole seemed to notice this as both Zane and Lloyd wandered inside; Zane to consult Pixal about their journey and Lloyd as his phone rang. Skylor then wandered over to the side of the Bounty and looked over the edge; arms resting on the ledge.

"You OK?" Cole asked as he joined the girl's side.

"Huh? Oh... Y-Yeah..." she replied as she wiped her obvious tears.

"I know we all miss him and wanna find him, but I think the others overlook the fact that, apart from Nya, you're the only other one that cares for him on a deeper level. And I guess having the other couples on the ship doesn't help either..."

"I'm like the only one without my partner. Zane has Pixal, Nya has Jay and Lloyd has continuous contact with Harumi. Not to mention we're going to see your girlfriend Vania-"

"Vania and I aren't together."

"What do you mean?" Skylor turned so she could face the dark skinned male directly. "I heard the others say that you've had a crush on her since you first met her...!"

"And I told them that we're just friends." Cole mumbled with a frown. "Besides, thwy dont onow my sexuality."

"..." Skylor bit her bottom lip and avoided eye contact before she looked back and continued. "If you dont mind sharing... What is your sexuality?"

"... I'm Skiliosexual."

"What's that?"

"Its were one finds atteaction to those of non-gender specific identity, such as Non-binary individuals. This can also include genderfluid, etc. ect." (Look up actual meaning)

"Oh! Ive never heard of that before..."

"Maybe its because our small circle is just that; So small that me and everyone else that identifies as Skilio, are just so easily overlooked as our sexuality isnt as popular or known, to the fact we might as well not exist or might as well be making it up."

"Wow... Thanks for telling me, Cole. U really appreciate you being confident enough to share. And if it makes you more comfortable; I'm Pansexual."

"heh... That does make me feel a little better. Thanks, Skylor."

"What about everyone else? I know they're all oart of the community but what are they exactly? I think they told me but I forgot-"

"Well, Jay is transgender and Bisexual. Nya's Bi, as is Kai. I'm Skilio, Zane and Pix are both Asexual and Lloyd's currently questioning."

"Huh... I wont tell them that you told me, just incase they act rude towards the reveal of sorts."

"You wont have to worry, but thanks."

Nya poked her head around the doorframe if the Bounty and called them to lunch. Cole and Skulor exchanged smiles and wandered into the Bounty's insides.


The team eventually made their way to Shintaro. The place never seemed to amaze the team but it had a stronger affect in Skylor as she's never been this far out of Ninjago before. She looked like a little kid on Christmas who just opened a gift and got the thing thwy desperately wanted.

She looked every ehich way with wide eyes and she had to get oulled back to the group on multiple occasions ehen she saw something that she wanted to see and touch. When they made it inside the palace, they were welcomed in like relatived that had dropped in for an unexpected visit.

"Cole! Ninja!" Vania exclaimed as she eandered over with a bright smile. "Its so nice to see you again! and you're missing a member but brought a new friend...? And who might you be?"

"Oh!" Skylor gasped before placing a warm smile on her face. "My name's Skylor! Im the Master of Amber!"

"Its wonderful to meet you!" Vania replied as she took Skylor's hands and wore her own smile. "I'm princess Vania!" She then dropped Sky's hands and threw her own wide. "And Welcome To Shintaro! The Kingdom of Peace-!"

"Vania." Came another voice, in which was slightly gravelly with a hint of an echo. "There's no need to yell."

The figure came into view and caused the groups eyes to go wide, except Skylor's, upon seeing the new figure.

"It can't be...!" Jay gasped.

"How's that possible...?!" Cole added.

"But I thought-!" Nya began.

"Didn't We-?!" Zane tried.

"..." Lloyd stared before he spoke up. "Morro...?!"

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