Chapter 10

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Skylor's POV


"The war's finally over...!" I sighed.

"Yep..." Kai mumbled. "But at what cost?"

"Hey..." I placed a hand on his shoulder and manuvered so I could look him in the eyes. "You'll get your powers back. I mean, they've been taken multiple times, right? When they were linked to Lloyd, when Asptheera took them, you couldn't use them in Prime Empire, either. But you still managed, right? You're still the strong, firery, stubborn hothead I met and fell in love with. And nothing can change that. Powers or No Powers."

"... Thanks, Sky..." he smiled as he placed a kiss on my cheek. "I love you."

"I love you too."

~Dream/flashback over~

3rd POV

"Well that was a weird dream." Skylor mumbled as she sat up and rubbed the sleep from her eyes.

She looked around and finally took in her surroundings. She was sitting in a large canopy bed in a white marble walled room, accented with red. She got up and went to the end where she had left her gi when she had changed into shorts and a T-shirt. Going to grab it, she found a neatly folded pile with a note. Picking up the note, she unfolded it and scanned over.

Thought you might want a change of clothes, that are different from your Gis and not Ninja related. Consider it a gift.

~Prince Kearin

Skylor smiled. She put down the note and picked up the new clothes. She wandered over to the shoji dressing screen and changed. Once she was done, she looked at herself in the full lenght mirror that was behind the shoji screens; a dark bergundy turtle-neck with an orange off the shoulder cropped long-sleeved T-shirt. a red-pink skirt eith a brown belt, dark grey leggings and light brown boots.

Once she fixed her hair, she exited the room, only to get startled by a figure in a red kimono; accented with white and gold and mouse ears and tail.

"Hello madam Skylor." the servent greeted with a slight bow. "Prince Kearin has asked me to escort you to the dinning hall for breakfast."

"Oh!" Skylor gasped before she smiled at the servant. "Thank you! But could I ask your name?"


"Its very nice to meet you, Mitsie!"

The duo then headed into the dinning hall where Skylor saw the others. She thanked Mitsie then sped over to the team. She pulled up a seat next to Jay.

"Morning, Guys!" Skylor beamed.

"Morning, Skylor!" Cole beamed.

Cole's new attire consisted of a black Tank-top, matching baggy black pants and a pale orange jacket tied around his waist with black and white sneakers.

"Where's breakfast?"

"Dunno." Lloyd replied as he placed his right elbow on the table and leant on his hand. Nya immediately knocked the blonde's elbow with a frown. "What was that for?!"

"Its not polite." Nya replied.

Nya was wearing a white T-shirt and a long- sleeved balck jacket, a blue skirt, 2 belts, black leggings and boots similar to Skylor's. Lloyd on the other hand, was wearing brown pants, a black hoodie underneath another hoodie in a forest green colour. Underneath that one was a dark green shirt while green and white sneakers sat on his feet.

Skylor looked towards Jay, whom was on his phone. He was dressed in dark blue cargo-pants, light orange turtleneck and a baby blue jacket with a light blue pin with a yellow lightning bolt and, finally, dark blue and grey sneakers.

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