Chapter 20

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3rd POV

Zane was standing in the main control centre of the Bounty as an alert echoed with a rapid beep. Curiosity taking hold, Zane wandered over and saw the signal was coming from his falcon that he had released to keep an eye on Kai since their last departure.

"Everyone To The Bridge!" Zane called through the speaker. Not even a minute later, everyone arrived.

"What's wrong, Zane?!" Lloyd asked.

"My Falcon Sent A Distress Signal! I had let it out to keep and eye on Kai since we parted ways."

Zane then activated said message and the group could see the red clad figure lying on the ground with an arrow lodged in his left shoulder.

"Kai!" Nya cried as her hands flew to her mouth.

"Where is he Zane?!" Skylor fretted.

"The Boarderline...!" Varian replied as everyone turned towards him. "Its where the Smouldering Woods meet the Dark Woods. Its known to be ridden with DemiBeasts."

"DemiBeasts?" Cole questioned.

"Those who changed during the great curse but weren't as lucky to find balance between their human selves and animal counterparts. They became corrupted so they segregated themselves to the Boarderline as a way to protect the people from themselves. They're also known to be one of Kean's defences but the DemiBreeds attack anyone, that wanders into their territory, while their guards are down."

"For Once People Actually Banished Themselves, huh? Heh, heh..." Jay chuckled nervously as the thoughts of corrupted Kean folk scared him slightly.

"That's nothing to laugh about!" Varian fretted with worry. "If Kai is left out there, in his condition any longer, the DemiBeasts will take that as an advantage to kill him!"

"How far away is the Boarderline from our current location, Zane?" Morro began.

"Not far. We should easily be able to reach him on foot, and before dark, if we leave now."

"Then go." Master Wu ordered. "I cant bare the thought of loosing another pupil to avoidable circumstances."

The team nodded and immediately ran onto the deck. Pixal lowered the Bounty's anchor and the team used it to aid in their decent. Once their feet touched solid earth, they raced in the direction of the Boarderline; Varian guiding their way via an earpiece implanted into the hoods of their gis. Lloyd, whom was kept on the Bounty due to his broken arm, was pacing back and forth. His brother was out there, in an unknown condition with DemiBeasts on the prowl.

"It'll be alright, Lloyd." Master Wu informed. "The group will find him and bring him back to the ship in no time."

"I get that." Lloyd replied. "But I'm not just worried about him. I'm worried about the entire team. They're out there in unknown territory with unknown creatures-!"

"I'm taking care of them, Lloyd." Varian piped up. "No harm will come to them as long as they listen to my instructions."

Lloyd nodded as he joined Wu, Varian and Pixal Infront of the screen.

"Come on guys..."

Cole, Nya, Jay, Zane, Morro and Skylor didn't stop. Sure they stopped running keep stamina and strenght but they didn't stop completely. All they wanted was to find Kai before dark. Zane's falcon cried out overhead as Varian's voice crackled from the headpiece.

"Careful. Wild Brambles are littered across this path." Varain informed. "There's poisonous so careful not to get cut by one."

"Well That's ReasSURING!" Jay cried out with annoyance.

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