Chapter 30

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I child seating on the chair brushing her long hair, flashes to a pull of blood, flashes to people burning and screaming flashes to a big river of blood, there in the river the same girl slowly walks out the pool of blood and runs toward me with her hands infront of me.

I shot up in my bed coughing real badly as blood started coming out my mouth and noise after every cough. I stand up and ran to the sink and released more blood from my mouth vomiting and vomiting this has been happening for the last three days since I've been came from the house the girls and i live in but since they staying at the boys I've been living alone and that's fine i guess, i haven't to either of them since the day i came back, ive occupied myself my going to work. But El sent me a message saying she heard about what Harry did and she's sorry, yeah that's all no calls to check if I'm okay no nothing i would have most expected it to come from the girls but i guess no one cares about me.

I've been having bad dreams and vomiting blood every night but no one knows cause no one checks, I've lost my friends I've lost my family, i have nothing but myself at this point i sat at the stall and just balled my eyes out just like everyday before going to work.

"Anna?" Derek walks in the bathroom then gasped by the amount of blood on the sick, floor and on myself. "Oh my Goodness Anna!!" He runs up to me, Derek, Derek is the only person that calls every night to check if I'm okay. "Are yu hurt? What's happening?"

I wiped my eyes and nod "I'm fine." I slowly stand up but he puts me back down. "Derek stop i have to get ready for work." He looks at me like a crazy person.

"Work??? Are you crazy?? Have you seen yourself?? You lost weight, your pale as fuck and your weak."

"I'm not weak!" I shoved him away accidentally with my strength knocking him on the wall. "Derek!" I rushed up to him.

"What was that?" He asked standing up looking shocked. "What are you?" My eyes widen. "What.Are.You?"

I shook my head stepping away. "I can't tell you."

"Yes." He steps forward. "Yes you can, you can always trust me." I shook my head,  he lifts my jaw to stare at him. "Look at me, it's okay i won't report you or do anything you have to trust me." I lost Harry because of this, and everyone i can't lose Derek who cared about me while others didn't.

"Okay." I sighed and stepped away from him before staring at his eyes. "Don't freak out." I closed my eyes and released my very big wings.

"Holy shit" he screams backing away but looking at my wings in shock and sparkling eyes due to the crystals. "Impossible." He whispered with his jaw dropped.

"Yes, I'm an Angel." Putting my wings back.

"Wh-what? H-how? No!" He says shaking his head.

"It's a long story Derek but I'm here to save the world." I walk up to him. "The devil is sooo close to finding out what i am not only to kill me but to take what's belonged to me."

"The last Atomic Ring." He whispered. "I've read about it, that the last ring disappeared."

I nod. "And i have no idea where it is." I sighed. "There's war coming Derek, a very big war."

"Let me help." He smiles. "I love action." He gave me a cheeky smile.

"This isn't just action it's war."

"Then I'll be your sideman."

"Do you realize the danger your putting your self in, the entire devil nation will be after you for teaming up with the enemy."

He sighs and nod. "All i want to do is let my son grow up in a nice civilized place not this, i don't want him seeing other people differently because of the powers we hold i want him to be an ordinary boy from down the street." I giggle. "That's why i want to help you."

"Thank Derek." I pulled his into a hug. "Thank you for everything."

"Your welcome my little angel." He ruffles my hair making me roll my eyes.

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