Chapter 6

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Demons are not allowed to looked at so i stood my head low. "I-im so sorry" i said shaking my head.

"Oh my shit you bitch look at what you did!!" He snaps i can feel his anger just by standing infront of him, i move slightly away but he held my wrist as soon as he did the most pleasuring feeling I've ever felt, a warm eletric shock ran over my blood causing us both to stumble away due to the amount of electric enery that was felt, ny glass shattered on the floor as i held my chest due to the burning feeling, my breathing was heavy as i try to recover from what just happened. I finally took the courage to look up at him, the guy had long curls,green eyes and beautiful lips his eyes looked at me in shock i didn't know if i should speak or what but we were both shock. 

"What was that?" He finally asked looking at his hands in shock then back at me. A girl walked past us and he quickly grabs her wrist but nothing happened, she looks at him seductively but he shoved him away, that's rude. "What was that!?" Now his eyes was angry, he thinks i know something?

"What? I don't know." I said, he walks to me his eyes never living mine with every step he took my breath hitched. He was finally right infront on me our chests touching but he was taller than me, his breath hits me face as stares intensely at me. His hands slowly reach up, to my face he first hesitated and i could see, i don't know why i was so impatient with him but i wanted him to touch me. His hands slowly went to my cheeks cupping them the same shock flies through my body but this time the energy wasn't hard i felt warm as his skin touched me, my insides tinged at this feeling making me close my eyes and enjoying his touch, he slowly removes his hand and i opened my eyes, meeting the beautiful green eyes I've ever seen he was indeed charming but I'm not complaining at all.

Suddenly the ground started shaking widely which meant one hell portal is opening. Mom always warned me that if this happens i need to immediately go home and hide.

"I-i have to go." I said pushing him away and running to the exit.

As i walk out i saw a cab i didn't know who was it waiting for but i just quickly rushed inside it. "Drive."

"Ma'am I'm sorry but i can't drive in this earthq-"

"I said drive!!!" I snapped he nods and started the engine.

I look behind the entrance to see the curly guy running out and staring at the car, he runs his head through his curls before walking inside.

I didn't know what to feel but i most definitely enjoyed his touch every were he touched me, I wanted more of him that's for sure,i didn't even get his name.

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