Chapter 13

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"Call me everydah before you sleep, and when you wake up, call me if you don't feel safe anywhere, call me if someone is-"

"Harry." I stop him. "Shut the fuck up." I kissed his cheek and walk toward the house as soon as i got in i heard his car speed off, I'm going to miss him alot.

"Guys!" I yell. In a second they were both infront of me.

"Tell us everything." Perrie pulls my arm and pushed me on the couch. "Did you guys fuck?"

"What no." I said standing up. "We haven't done anything not even kissing" they jaw dropped. "Yeah shocking for a sinner of lust."

"Wait yoh know?" El asked.

"Long story." I answered. "Now if you excuse me i have to go to work." I said jogging upstairs.

Being back at work was very exciting some of the patients i missed so much.

"You take these twice a day and this one once a day before you sleep." I instructed the lady who nodded.

"And what about the coughing."

"Continue with the medicine i gave you yesterday it will swell off soon i promise."

"Okay, thank you Doc." She walks out i sigh and took off my gloves.

"Doctor Brook." Tina peeks inside the door before opening it wider. "Mr Haddison requested to see you"

I rolled my eyes, oh god I've completely forgot about him and that's Harry's fault but since i have him now i think it's time i cut things of with Dane. I don't even know what Harry and i are but I'm loving whatever we doing. With him everything seem to flow so smooth naturally with Dane it seemed forced.

After getting done with my work to his office to find him busi with some paperwork, with sending a small smile i sat down on the empyt chair.

"Hey babe i missed you" he walks up to me leaning to kiss me but i pushed him away.

"Dane." I sigh.

"What? What's wrong love?"

"I think we shoukd stop this." He gasped "the 3 months are about to end and i don't want them to end with us having to break up while completely attached so we should end it early."

"What! I don't care about the 3 months i want to be with you"

"You don't care but i do because it will get us both killed and i don't want that at all."

"Anna you can't be serious."

"Wel i am dead serious maybe you should try and move on, I'll try the same." His eyes changed and started to fill with anger.

"You found someone else didn't you?"

"Dane it's not about that!!" I stand up.

"It is." He snapped.


"You, you are leaving for another man?"

"Either wayyy we stilk had to seperate ways because we can't be together!" I snappes back. "You can't force me to be in a relationship with you"

"I'm not forcing you you're the one who's making things very hard for the both of us."

"For you!! It's only hard for you because my option is to end everything and you're telling something else get this to your sick head i don't want to be with you anymore!!!"

He harshly grabs my wrists and pushed me to the wall pinning me down, both my wrists were held by his hand making me groan in pain as he tightens the grip

"No one breaks my heart and gets away with it."

"Leave me alone." I try wiggling but he squeezed them, that's gonna leave a mark.

He pushed me harshly before walking out bangingthe door shut,i look at my two wrists that now haf purple wounds on them. Fuck how will i hide these from Harry if I tell him he won't even let me come back to work but i Don want that.

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