Chapter 3

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"It sucks that you can't come with us." Perrie says hugging me.

"It's okay guys" i assure them. They are headed to a ball party but unfortunately humans are not allowed so I'll get myself busy at work plus balls are boring and toi formal for me. After they left looking gorgeous as ever i went to my room and took a quick shower before heading to work yeah I'm having a night shift which are the worst.

As soon as i walked through the big doors my personal assistant Tina was already waiting for me holding my belongs. "Any surgeries?" I asked as i put on my white coat.

"Yes a heart surgery from a human." She reads of her tablet handing me my coffee. "In 30 minutes." I nod. "Oh and Mr Haddison requeasted to see you as soon as you get here." I groan rolling my eyes, it better work related

I knock twice on the superintendents door before going in, she had files and papers spreaded around his table, he sighs in frustration without realizing i was hear, as he smelt me he quickly looks up and sends a small smile.

"Miss Brooks, take a seat." He mentions, i nod and sat across him. "Looking beautiful as always" he flirts making me roll my eyes.

"Do you need help with something?"

"Oh yeah" he takes out a file. "We have a rare case." I narrow my eyes slowly reaching for the file. "That is Harry Styles one of the highest ranks, he has been suffering froma heartache condition for the past few weeks." My eyes wide. Heartache? Demons nevee get sick

"What? How?"

"He can't heal himself or get someone to heal him it's like it's just there, we first suspected micro nutritions that may cause the heart to mil function but it wasn't possible our blood is 83.7% stronge than yours so we suspected nitroglycerin." I shook my head Looking through the files

"His breathing is 43.5% normally is 57.2% which means whatever is causing the heartache may cause him to stop breathing and nitroglycerin doesn't involve lungs and internal use of the system plus Demons don't actually have elipics so I'm quiet intrigued about how this is." I look up at him only to find his sloppy ass drooling on me.

"'re right that why i chose you to do this job one of the best employees here, here are the blood samples if you need to do tests and please i suggest you them your self. Demon blood is very powerful if it gets in the wrong hands many things may go wrong." I nod standind up and taking the sample

"Understood" i turned around to go but he stopped me.

"I was wondering uhm...what are you doing after work?" He asked, Superintendent is a very nice guy and hot too but i never saw my self dating a colleague or even worse my boss so going out with him seems...weird.

"I have things to sort out" i lied, i actually have nothing to do except go home and sleep for hours.

"That's a lie" i sighed. "Please allow me to take out it won't be anything epic just breakfast cause you're knocking in the morning."

"I'd love to but i can't after work I'd be so exhausted and wanting to just sleep an-"

"Then come to my house we can have breakfast in bed." He grins, i don't want to lie he is obviously cute.

"Why are you pushing this?"

"I just want to get to know" Maybe just onetime won't be bad and afterwards he will stop asking me out.

"Send me your address" he smiles wider as i walk out.

Doing Mr Styles tests had been frustrating all of them came out conclusive it's impossible maybe he should come here himself and let me check him but i think at this moment it's not use, i don't know what can cause a heartache on a demon they are strong and all that shit how is this possible.

After work i jumped in my car and head to his address not really in the mood for dates and stuff. As i approach his house it was very big and super beautiful i was impressed but again he works on the highest rank. My heels clicked as i head to the door that opened quickly before i could ring the doof bell. He stood there in a cozy jean and shirt he almost looked normal.

"Hey, superi-"

"Call me Dane." He smiles. "Thanks for coming" he let's me in his luxurious home.

"You more of  forced me" he chuckles. "You have a very beautiful house"

"Thanks, it's get kind of lonely living alone" he sighs looking around. "Soo i know your tired so i prepared a bath for you, the rope and some pyjamas are all set on the bed whilst i make you the biggest yummy breakfast"

I chuckle. "Well i will be the judge of that."

I was just so shocked he did all of that for me, the breakfast the tub the flowers everything was perfect as we laid in bed having a fun conversation, his a really nice guy i like him but romantically. We ended up watching movies which leaded to a warm cuddle.

"I like you" he suddenly said as i laid on his chest watching a movie. "And I literally think you're the most beautiful girl I've ever seen." What a shame, demons and humans can never be together even if they did i wouldn't be with him. Instead of answering him i kissed him, he was quick to respond holding my cheeks, ain't he just a great kisser, i moved my body hovered over him putting my legs on his grinding myself on his now hard cock,he let's out a loud moan groping my butt tight. I smirked getting him exactly where i wanted, pulling up his shirt as the section became intensed.

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