Authors Notes

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Hey Everyone! I just wanted to say thank you in advance for giving this book a chance. I'm working really hard on it, and constantly going through each chapter again and again editing and fixing grammar so it sounds more concise so please bear with me if theres a mistake I miss when a chapter is first uploaded.

This is actually my first book and I think you all will really like it. New characters and plot lines will unfold as the story goes on and I am really excited to see where it leads! I constantly write everyday and will try and upload a chapter either everyday or every other day. I am a college student so between working and spending time with my family this summer I will try my best.

Typically if text is written like this it means that it is a flashback into a characters past or a dream/nightmare they are having.

The point of View will typically be Athena, but I will be throwing some other characters points of view in eventually so look forward to it!!

There will be some points that are in different languages such as Russian and maybe Japanese. I want to apologize in advance because I am not fluent and am looking at websites and translators to try and allow for it to be read correctly. If it isn't correct please call me out in the comments so that I can go and fix it!!

I'm writing this book with as much detail as possible, some chapters more than others, so apologies for how long each chapter is. I want readers to be able to imagine being there or seeing what Athena and the other characters are doing, but again am new to writing so am not sure if what I imagine is getting across correctly.

Each chapter will have a new characters pictures and vibe up in the banner section so that everyone has an easier time imagining them!

Again thank you all so much for choosing to read this book and I hope you enjoy it. Apologies and please bear with me if mistakes are made.

XOXO Cassidy

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