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Beomgyu was finding some peoples on online to help soobin to get a fake lover but he can't found someone who will match with Soobin. "Did you find someone" Taehyun said and take a sip from his glass . The red haired boy shakes his head with a pout and look at the sliver haired boy.

"Don't worry now let's go and sleep" Taehyun said and close the laptop and put it on the side . then he pick Beomgyu in a bridal style as Beomgyu wrap his arms around his neck and went to their room .

At Yeonjun

Wooyoung was staring at him while he was busy working. Wooyoung sighed and started to spoke. "Why your still with them" he said as yeonjun know what he is saying. "I don't have any place to stay and the money I earn they took all of it so I don't have money for myself" He said in a low voice as wooyoung again sighed .

"You should find a lover and get with him" Yeonjun look at him then again started to work. "Who will love me , No one will love me everyone hate me" He said . Wooyoung didn't said anything back as he know it's no use.

Time skip

Soobin sighed as he look at saejin who come to his office and he don't like it . "Can you please fucking leave me alone" He said and pushed saejin away. "Baby don't be iike this" Saejin whined with a pout and soobin make a cringe face.

"Stop with you acting and go away your giving me a headache" soobin said with his cold voice like usual.

"No I am not going anywhere I will stay here with you" Saejin said and fold her arms to her chest. Soobin look at her with a glare . "BODYGUARDS THROW THIS TRASH AWAY PLEASE" He shouted as his guards come and started to dragged Saejin outside as she was screaming to let her go .

A sigh left from between his lips as he massaged his head because it was hurting so much so he think to take a walk. So he grab his coat and went outside of his company while informing hueningkai or hueningkai will be worried and search the whole Korea .

Yeonjun was walking to his home(hell) . He was walking through a dark Alley. He was kinda scared to passes by here but he want to go home quickly because he was tired . he hugged himself while Wind was hitting to his body making his body shiver .

He notice that there was some boys standing there while laughing and chatting with each other. They all like alcoholic and bad boys. Yeonjun thought to ignore them and went to his home without any Trouble. He started walking faster but those boys saw him .

"Oh such a pretty boy" one of them said . "yeah he look good to fucked" Another one said and licked his lips . one of them come and stand in front of Yeonjun stopping his way . Yeonjun slowly look up to them with fear in his eyes .

"Where are you going baby" Yeonjun look around and saw that he was already surrounding by those jerks who was smirking at him . "ple-ase let me g-o" He said in a low and weak tone. "Nope we're not letting you go , Come and have fun with us" a boy said while coming toward him .

Yeonjun turn around to go on a other way but One of them stop his way. "Don't go stay and play with us Baby" He said with a smirk. Yeonjun was shaking from fear and his eyes was already filled with tears as he look to them . "p-please let me go" He said but they didn't heard .

One of them Grab his wrist started to pull him and Yeonjun was trying his best to free his arm from those jerks but he was weak to so he was dragged by them . He pushed Yeonjun toward the ground as yeonjun look at them . he was already crying, tears was steaming down form his eyes to his cheeks .

"W-what are you guys going to do" Yeonjun asked because he don't know about this things , You know what I am meaning. He don't have any clue about this things as he was innocent. "Don't worry it will hurt at first but you will enjoy it" A guy said and Grab Yeonjun by the shoulder try to mark him as yeonjun was screaming for help try to stop him .

•|Mr Rude And Mr Junie|• [Yeonbin]Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat