Chapter twenty three

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It was a beautiful day and the atmosphere was filled with excitement as families and friends gathered to celebrate the graduating class of the university. Nkem was ecstatic that she had finally accomplished one of her biggest goals and had made her parents proud. Her parents had flown in from Lagos to attend the graduation and were overjoyed at the sight of their daughter receiving her certificate.

After the graduation ceremony, Nkem and her family headed to a fancy restaurant to celebrate her success. They were all in high spirits, laughing and sharing stories about their college experiences. Suddenly, Nkem saw Marco walk into the restaurant with a bouquet of flowers in his hand. She was surprised to see him there, but her face lit up with a big smile.

"Marco, what are you doing here?" Nkem asked with excitement.

"I came to congratulate you on your big day. Congratulations, Nkem," Marco said, presenting her with the bouquet of flowers.

Nkem felt overwhelmed with emotion as she hugged Marco tightly. It was a pleasant surprise to see him there, and it made the occasion even more special.

"Thank you so much, Marco. I'm so glad you came," Nkem said, still smiling.

Marco then introduced himself to Nkem's family, and they all exchanged pleasantries. They ordered food and drinks and continued to celebrate Nkem's achievement.

As they ate, Nkem couldn't help but feel grateful for having Marco in her life. He had been a supportive partner throughout her college years, and she knew that she wouldn't have achieved such success without him by her side. She looked at him with admiration and felt grateful that he was there to share the moment with her and her family.

After dinner, they all took pictures to commemorate the special occasion. Nkem's parents expressed their gratitude to Marco for being a great partner to their daughter, and they exchanged phone numbers and emails.

As the night came to an end, Marco whispered to Nkem that he had a surprise for her. She looked at him with curiosity and anticipation.

"What surprise?" she asked with excitement.

"You'll find out soon enough," Marco said with a grin.

Nkem couldn't wait to find out what the surprise was. She knew that Marco had a way of making things special, and she was eager to see what he had planned.

As they said their goodbyes and headed home, Nkem couldn't help but feel blessed to have such supportive and loving people in her life. She looked forward to what the future held for her and Marco, knowing that they would always be there for each other.

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