Chapter fourteen

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Nkem had mixed emotions as she hugged Marco tightly in the airport. On one hand, she was excited to be going home to Lagos after a long year at the University of Rome, but on the other hand, she was sad to be leaving Marco behind. Marco could sense her apprehension, and he held her close, reassuring her that they would stay in touch and that they would make it through the summer.

As Nkem walked through the airport, she couldn't help but feel a sense of nostalgia wash over her. It had been a while since she had been home, and she couldn't wait to see her family and friends again. However, the thought of being away from Marco for so long made her feel a little uneasy.

Once Nkem arrived in Lagos, she was greeted by her parents and siblings. They were all so happy to see her and couldn't wait to hear all about her adventures in Rome. Nkem spent the first few days of her summer break catching up with her family and enjoying the warmth of her home country.

Meanwhile, Marco was back in Italy, busy with his family's business. He missed Nkem terribly, but he was determined to keep himself occupied while she was away. He threw himself into work and spent time with his friends, but there was always a part of him that longed for Nkem's company.

One evening, while Nkem was scrolling through her phone, she saw a notification from Marco. He had sent her a message saying how much he missed her and how he wished they could be together. Nkem's heart swelled with affection as she read his message, and she quickly replied, telling him how much she missed him too.

From that moment on, Nkem and Marco made a pact to stay in touch over the summer. They sent each other messages every day, sharing their thoughts and feelings, and making plans for when they would be reunited in Rome.

One particularly hot afternoon, Nkem was sitting outside, enjoying the sun and chatting with Marco on the phone. They were reminiscing about their time in Rome when Marco suddenly suggested that they take a trip together when Nkem returned to Italy.

Nkem was overjoyed at the idea and eagerly agreed. They spent the rest of the day planning their trip, deciding on a destination, and looking up activities they could do together. It was a perfect day, and Nkem couldn't help but feel grateful for the wonderful relationship she had with Marco.

As the summer days turned into weeks, Nkem and Marco continued to stay in touch, eagerly counting down the days until they would be reunited. And as she boarded her flights back to Rome, she knew that their love had grown even stronger during their time apart.

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