Chapter eighteen

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Nkem was back in college after her amazing vacation with Marco in the Maldives. She had so much fun with him and it was a great way to relax after her tough exams. Although she was happy to be back with her friends, she couldn't help but feel a little sad that Marco was not with her on campus.

During her vacation, Nkem had felt like she was in a different world with Marco, away from all the stress and worries of college. But now that she was back, reality had set in, and she had to start preparing for her next set of exams.

Nkem's friends were excited to hear all about her vacation, and she was happy to share her experiences with them. She told them about the beautiful beaches, the clear blue water, and the amazing food. But she left out the more intimate details of her trip with Marco, not wanting to overshare.

Marco, on the other hand, was back at his family's business, but he couldn't stop thinking about Nkem. He missed her, and he wanted to be with her again. He knew that he couldn't be with her all the time, but he was determined to make the most of the time they had together.

One day, Marco surprised Nkem by showing up at her college. She was in the middle of studying when he walked into her room, and she was overjoyed to see him. He had brought her a bouquet of her favorite flowers and her favorite chocolate as a surprise.

They spent the rest of the day together, talking and laughing. They went for a walk around campus, had lunch together, and even went to a movie. It was the perfect day for Nkem, and she couldn't believe how lucky she was to have someone like Marco in her life.

As the day came to an end, Marco had to leave to go back to his family's business. Nkem walked him to the car, and they hugged each other tightly before saying goodbye. Marco promised her that he would come and see her again soon, and Nkem felt her heart swell with happiness.

As Nkem walked back to her room, she couldn't stop thinking about Marco. She felt like she was walking on air, and she knew that she was falling in love with him. She didn't know what the future held, but she was excited to find out.

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