Chapter thirteen

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Nkem was pacing back and forth in her dorm room, her phone pressed to her ear as she listened to her mother's voice on the other end. It had been a few weeks since she had spoken to her parents, and she knew they were eager for an update on her life in Italy.

As her mother chatted away, Nkem couldn't help but feel a twinge of guilt. She hadn't told her parents about Marco yet, and the longer she waited, the harder it would be.

Just then, there was a knock on her door. Nkem glanced at her phone, realizing she had been on the call for over an hour.

"Hey, hold on a sec, Mom," she said, putting her phone on speaker and rushing to answer the door.

To her surprise, Marco was standing on the other side, a bouquet of flowers in his hand and a big grin on his face.

"Marco!" Nkem exclaimed, throwing her arms around him.

"I couldn't wait any longer to see you," he said, kissing her forehead.

Nkem's heart swelled with happiness, but she couldn't ignore the pang of anxiety in her stomach. She had been so caught up in her conversation with her mother that she had forgotten about Marco's impending return to the college.

As if reading her thoughts, Marco said, "I know you're worried about me being here, but I promise I won't disrupt your studies. I just miss you so much."

Nkem smiled, grateful for his understanding. "I miss you too. I just wish I had more time to spend with you."

"That's why I have a surprise for you," Marco said, holding out the bouquet of flowers. "I made a reservation at a fancy restaurant tonight. We can celebrate together and forget about everything else."

Nkem's heart skipped a beat. She had never been to a fancy restaurant before, and the thought of dressing up and enjoying a romantic evening with Marco made her feel giddy.

"Thank you, Marco," she said, taking the flowers and inhaling their sweet scent. "I would love that."

As Marco and Nkem made their way to the restaurant that evening, Nkem felt a sense of excitement wash over her. She couldn't believe how lucky she was to have found someone like Marco, who cared for her so deeply and was willing to go to such lengths to make her happy.

As they sat down at a candlelit table and perused the menu, Nkem couldn't help but feel a sense of nervousness creep in. She had never been to such a fancy restaurant before, and she worried about embarrassing herself in front of Marco.

But Marco put her at ease, ordering a bottle of wine and making lighthearted conversation as they waited for their food. Nkem relaxed, enjoying the romantic ambiance and the warmth of Marco's presence.

As the night wore on, they laughed and talked, enjoying each other's company and forgetting about the stresses of their lives for a few precious hours.

By the time they left the restaurant, Nkem was feeling euphoric. The evening had been a dream come true, and she knew she would treasure the memory forever.

As they walked back to Nkem's dorm room, Marco took her hand and squeezed it, his eyes shining with affection.

"I love you, Nkem," he said softly.

Nkem's heart swelled with happiness. "I love you too, Marco."

In that moment, nothing else mattered but the two of them, lost in the bliss of their love.

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