Thirty Three

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'My bounty is as boundless as the sea,
My love as deep. The more I give to thee,
The more I have, for both are infinite.’

- Shakespeare.

Chapter 33

'Love' Angelina's heart skipped over and over again before it started beating hysterically, vigorously supplying blood to all her shocking organs, most especially her face, making it go red. She was flustered; just four-letter words were enough to cause her heart to skyrocket, and his deep manly voice could make her body tingle.

Oh, my poor heart, she cried to herself to get it together, but it was impossible when the word still rang like a mantra in her head, and his scent assaulted her poor nostrils, getting her a little lightheaded.

Nathaniel was oblivious to her internal battle. Only her ripened face could give away; he grinned cheekily before putting his hand at the middle of her back, urging her forward, not without placing a kiss at her temple.

His angel was beautiful in her way, unlike those fake bimbos with plastic bodies. Hers was naturally soft and delicate.

"The cottage is ready," he voiced out, seeing Angelina's brow cease in thought.

"Hmmm," she hummed, drifting from her thought, nodding in response.

"The cottage is a mile away from the hotel but faces the sea," He said, "I noticed you like the sea view."

"Yeah," she answered. She couldn't deny the view. "I'm not a fan of gigantic houses or mansions," she muttered. She just wanted a simple life.

"What do you prefer?" he inquired, trying to know more about her.

"Well," she began as they continued to walk to the bus stop. "I like just a small bungalow," she gestured with her hand, lowering it, "You know —like maybe three rooms, two parlors, a kitchen, a storage, a basement for the gym, and a dining room." she listed, she didn't need a dining room because she didn't fancy it like eating on the floor.

"Why three rooms, two parlors, and so?"

"The guest room, the children's room, and the master bedroom," she blushed furiously, biting her lips nervously, "While then two parlors - one is general, and the other is private," That has been her dream since she a young age, get married to the love of her life, have two to three children - twins and a boy or girl then have—

"That's awesome," Nathaniel grinned, liking the idea of her thinking of the future already with their miniature in the picture; he couldn't help to glance at her lips and rescue the battered lips from her torture. "What else?"

"Then a small garden in the back yard," she raised her head to look at him, "I like gardening, planting vegetables and flowers, then at the front there should be a swing," she smiled bashfully. "I know it is childish, but I love it and have been dreaming of it," She muttered.

"No—" he shook his head, "It is not,'' he urged her to continue, "I'm hearing; I like hearing your voice and your dreams," he assured her, making her sigh in relief.

Whenever Angelina talked about her dream house when she was young, she was always mocked and laughed at for what she wanted, but here she was with Nathaniel, wanting more about her thoughtless wish. She could not help her heart not to fall more than she already had. She was falling hopelessly.

"So that—'' she blushed, "The children or I can play on it during weekends," he nodded his head, taking note of it down in his head. "In a quiet area, not the city, away from the city lives. A peaceful quiet place then maybe some miles away there should be a lake for fishing or relaxation. No noisy neighbors, no disturbance, just comfortable solitude with the natural calmness," She finished in one breath, clapping her hands happily. Happy that someone was hearing her, listening to her nonsense.

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