Chapter 18

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Sorry for the long break. Enjoy it guys. You'll kill me after you read it, I'm sure!!!



"Where is it?", the man shouted at me for the thousandth time.

"I told you I don't know what you are talking about", I shouted back at him.

"You don't know? You don't know?", he shouted at me with a killer look on his face.

"Aaarrggghh!", I screamed again when the whip hit my back.

"Where is the necklace?", he screamed again.

"I don't fucking know what you are talking about", I screamed back. "Aarrgghhh!"

"Tell me where it is you stupid fucking child!"

"Go fuck yourself!", I screamed at him.

"Fine!", he said looking at me.


"Enough!", the other man in the room said. "Leave her alone!"

"She knows where the necklace is. I am not going to let her go, not until she tells me where I can find the necklace", the man who whipped me said.

"She's been here over three days now and she said nothing about the necklace. You beat her, you cut her, you whipped her and you starved her and she still tells you nothing, so leave her alone, give her some time for rest and I will talk with her later when the boss is here", the other man said.

"I don't give a damn about the boss, Allan!"

"Fine! You don't give a damn, if you don't give a damn then go and tell the boss when arrives that you beat her, cut her, whipped her and starved her for three days!", Allan said.

"Suck it man!", the other man said coming towards me again.

"Don't fucking dare to touch her again man!", Allan said.

"And why not?", the other man said smirking.

"She is 19 years old and she is terrified for God's sake. Look at her!", Allan said. "I said look at her!"

"She should be grateful that I have not done something else. Well, yet!"

"Oh, shut up and get the fuck out of here. If the boss finds out that you said that, you will never be able to do this again."

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