Chapter 13

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"What?", I said completely confused.

He was silent.

"Anthony!?", I said looking at him with a pleading look. "Anthony, please, say something!"

"What do you want me to say, Emm?", he said hurt. "Tell me what do you want me to say to you when it is definitely clear that you don't want me?"

"It is not that I...", I tried to say but I stopped, not being able to say it out loud. "You-you said that we are mates", I said looking at him, hoping that he will explain it to me.

"Yeah! I said."

"Why? Why are you so sure that we are mates? And what do you mean by mates?"

"A mate...", he said running his hand through his hair again. "A mate is a person ideally suited to another as a romantic partner. Mates have a special bond, they are connected. Usually, there is a werewolf-werewolf bond, but there are cases when the werewolf has a bond with a human, or in my case, a witch", he said looking at me with a pleading look as if begging me to listen to him, to give him a chance.

I sighed.

"Fine! But why are you so sure that we are mates?"

"I feel it, Emm! My wolf feels it. Every time I touch you I feel tingles in my whole body. Every time you are near me I wanna hold you in my arms, I want to kiss you, Emm! You drive me and my wolf crazy. I want you more than anything, my wolf wants you", he said looking at me tired. "And God dammit, I know you can not understand that, I know you can not understand how much I want you, I know you can not feel the tingles I feel, but I swear to God, Emm, I never wanted someone in that way, the way I want you and God knows that I tried to stay away from you, but at the party when those bastards tried to rape you, when I saw that son of bitch touching you, I could not handle it, I have not been able to control my wolf anymore, so my wolf just took over."

I was speechless.

He was sitting on the bed, looking at me, but he closed his eyes when he spoke again.

"I'm sorry, Emm! I'm sorry. I love you", he said a tear running down his cheek. "I love you and I can not change that."

I was stunned.

"Please, don't do this. Say something, Emm! Scream at me, hit me, be mad, just do something, say something", he said with a pleading voice.

I sat down on my knees in front of him, taking his hands in mine and looking at him. He crossed his fingers with mine. I bit my lip glancing down at the floor, then looking back at our hands and how well they fit together.

"I-I don't know w-why, I don't know if-if it is th-the bond you were t-talking about or it-it is just me, b-but", I swallowed the lump in my throat.

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