Chapter 2

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I woke up in the middle of nowhere, in the middle of a field. I was in a circle, surrounded by people. They were covered with black cloaks, their faces being hidden under the hood. Their feet were wrapped in mist. They were holding their hands uttering something that seemed to be an incantation in a language unknown to me.

I turned, there was someone else in the middle of the circle with me. A girl. Her eyes were closed, also uttering the incantation with the others. The girl was quite young, about 22 years old. She wore a black dress, her hands were full of jewelry and the fog raised around her, taking different forms, as she could have the control on it. She opened her eyes and stared at me. She beckoned me to come closer to her. I was very nervous and scared, not knowing what was happening. I walked closer to her, holding my breath, ready for what might follow. She grabbed my shoulder and smiled at me. I looked at her confused and fearful. And then ... She hugged me.

Yeah. She hugged me. She held me tight in a bear hug. She inspired my scent of vanilla. Her behavior was strange. Seemed to know me a long time although it was the first time we met. I was running out of air.

"I can not breathe", I said still caught in her hug.

"Oh, I'm sorry!", she said with a childish voice and then she walked back a few steps. "But it's the first time I have the chance to put my arms around you..."

"Yeah, I noticed", I said with a bit of skepticism. "So you became so excited because it's the first time you see me and you thought it is a good idea to bring me in the middle of nowhere and hug me, right?", I said being sarcastic.

"Aah, yeah. Well, just the hugging part." , she said without giving importance to my sarcasm. "I just missed you."

I started to get angry

"What? You missed me? How can you say that? You missed me? What the hell is wrong with you? You don't even know me. You brought me here, in the middle of a fucking field, in the middle of nowhere, surrounded by some freaks in black cloaks that I no longer see them because they are completely hidden in this fog that comes out of nowhere which is perfectly normaaalll.", I said irritated.

"If you just", I cut her off, still screaming at her.

"Then you come to me and you put your arms around me like you've known me for a lifetime. As if I'd be your best friend, what if I remember, I'm not because I don't even know who the hell you are.", I said, my throat starting to hurt from so much screaming.

"You are done?", she said completely relaxed as if I had not even screamed like crazy at her.

"Yeah. I'm done.", I said sighing. "Who are you anyway?", I said completely tired.

"That's what I tried to explain to you when you've interrupted me screaming like crazy."

"Ouh!", that's all I could say.

"So I thought."

She did not say anything so I started looking around trying to see her freaks in cloaks. Of course I could not see anything because of that fog.

"Is it bothering you?", she asked me.

"Wh-what?", I said stuttering.

"Their presence? Is it bothering you?"

"A-a little.", I said timidly.

She smiled, raised her hand and snapped her fingers. Suddenly, the freaks in cloaks and all of the fog disappeared. And now I am alone with the queen of freaks. Wonderful. Exactly what I wanted.

"Better?", she said suddenly, making me shiver.

"Aa, yeah. I think. Aa, thanks?!", I said confused.

"Welcome.", she said smiling. "Now, you asked me who I am.", she said grinning devilishly.


"Well, first of all, I am a witch, but you probably already realized that. To be more precise, I am one of the most powerful witches in my coven which, of course, is one of the oldest coven existed. Being a member of the founding family, my magic is more powerful than the other witches, and of course wizards. I lead the Bennet Sabbath and as soon as you join me, we will lead together."

"Why would I want to join you?"

"It's not about what you want, it's about survival. Once your powers will come out you will have to know witches and wizards of the Sabbath. And because you're my sister, your magic is as strong as mine, maybe even stronger, but it does not mean you can survive on your own."

"I have magic?", I said completely confused.

"Of course you have. You are one of us."

"Ooh, that must be cool and..", I stopped being shocked. Her words came to my ears. "I-I a-am...", could not say anything. I was stunned.

"Yeah, Emma. You're a witch, like me."

"N-no. You-you said that I-", I swallowed hard the lump in my throat. I tried to say it again. "You said that I-I'm your si-sister."

"You did not know.", she said amazed. "They did not tell you."

She was looking at me with pity.

Suddenly she was no longer paying attention to me. She was focused as if she was talking to someone.

"Emma, I'm really sorry, but I can not really explain it to you now. There is too much to say and I have to go. I'm so sorry. I will see you as soon as I can, I promise. I'll explain everything to you then."

She snapped her fingers.

I woke up in my room.

"What the fuck? You can not do that. Please, I need to talk to you, I need to know. Pleaseee, come back. Come back!", I said begging.

Nothing. I was completely alone in my own room... And I have a sister. God dammit! I have a sister.

Next day at school, everyone told me that I had not come to any class and the exams were last week and I has passed all of them. I was completely shocked. I did not understand anything.

All I could do was think about the girl in the circle. My sister.

After this day my life will never be the same.

"I'm sure.", I said in the silence of my room.

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