"Hi, girlfriend! It's been a while!" I said happily.

"Cole! How's my best gaming bud doing?!" Kai went over to Cole.

"Doing great, Kai! Nice to see you guys again!" Smiled my husband giving a high five to the brunette.

"It has! How was your trip?" Nya asked about how the second trip of me and Cole's honeymoon went.

"It was amazing!~ The beaches and resorts were perfect. Thanks for giving us that vacation. It was needed." I thanked her and the others.

"Please do not thank us, Sensei. It was marriage protocol. You have to go on a vacation. And since the first one was disturbed by some thugs in the country. We had to repay you." Smiled Zane.

"You're too kind, Zane. Protocol or not, it was very nice of you. Now, where's my bestie?" I smiled softly before trying to look for Jay.

I heard silent giggles and saw him hiding behind Kai and Cole, "I see you JJ! BESTIE!" I yelled grinning, running over to my best friend.

"BESTIE! OH! It's been FOREVER! I missed you!" We both laughed as he lifted me slightly in the hug.

"I know right?! We should hang out more often when we have free time." I agreed.

We let go to do our handshake, "Zip, zap, boom! Haha!"

"They act like children..." Sighed Nya with a smile.

"We heard you!" I and Jay said the same thing and laughed again.

"Sensei. You're forgetting a certain loyal student." Coughed out Kai before playfully bowing to me.

That made me laugh and hit his shoulder lightly, "I missed you too, Kai." We both hugged each other.

"FIYAAAH!" I had a handshake with Kai also and that was our catchphrase.

"Sis?" Lloyd appeared from the monastery's front entrance.

I smiled and waved to him, walking over to him, "Hello Lloyd! Woah! Aw! How's my baby brother doing?" He ran to me and hugged me tightly making me smile even more and hug him back.

"I missed you so much...! You could've told me you were back." Said Lloyd.

"It was our uncle who called us here. We were just unpacking from our trip before he told us to be here." Explained Cole after getting jumped by his younger brother.

"Yeah, the rest of us were also called." Agreed Kai.

"I'll go and talk to him. Wanna join, Lloyd?" I offered to go ask my uncle, I asked my brother if he wanted to come with me.

"Sure! See you guys soon!" Lloyd and I waved goodbye to the others before walking into the building.

"Any idea why he wanted to have us here?" I asked.

"Nope. But he did make me get some scrolls on a thing called the 'coalescence'. It means some sort of merge right? He seemed pretty desperate to find a solution or something. Something that can help prevent it I think. I've never seen Master Wu so...scared before...Ever since the Crystal King incident aka the Overlord." Explained Lloyd.

My eyes widened, "Coalescence you say...?! This is bad..."

"You know something about it, too?! Tell me." Lloyd and I stopped in our tracks, he stood in front of me.

I looked away from him, "Please, (Y/N)...Tell me...I can take it..."

"It's not that I think you can't take it...It just...makes me feel off. Well...the coalescence is basically when something merges. Like objects, liquids and more. It can even merge realms, dimensions and more. I didn't know uncle knew of such a thing that could be true or not. I heard of a story that a town vanished in thin air, when something in the sky appeared. No one from that village was ever found. EVER." I told a tale after explaining what the coalescence is...well, most of what my uncle provided information for me until he stopped answering questions about it.

Ninjago Dragon's Rising - The Guardian of Life (The Sequel)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora