Human For A Day Part 1

Start from the beginning

Next Day

(Starts music)

The alarm starts beeping, as a hand smashed the alarm, but it just bounces it as the person who hits it groans, it was Kara. She gets a small pain in her hand as she looks at the alarm still beeping, as like a normal person... she turns it off. She walks out of her room yawning... she never yawns. She walks to the kitchen seeing Y/N doing breakfast as he grabs something from the counter giving it to Kara.

Y/N: Take it.

She grabs whatever it was... it was a necklace as she looks confused but flattered.

Kara: *smiling* Thanks... I think.

Y/N: Not jewelry. Clark decided to drop by. Alex told him about your problem, Solar Flare. The necklace works like Clark's old solar suit, it will help you absorb more sunlight... when your cells decide to finally absorb again.

Kara: Thanks.

She goes to put it but... messy hair... and first time wearing a necklace... in so many years.

Kara: *smiling* Um... bit of help?

Y/N groans seeing her have a problems with the necklace. Minutes later Kara gets in the shower already turned on... until slowly the bathroom was getting colder in minutes, as Y/N was already dressed waiting for Kara... just to hear a loud scream, which Y/N heard perfectly... Kara has never needed to bother with the cold or hot shower... she definitely was in a cold shower.

Y/N: There enters the cold.

Kara: *from bathroom* HOW DO YOU MAKE THE SHOWER HOTTER?!!!

Y/N: Turn the other wheel a little.

Minutes later Kara was dressed with her hair in a ponytail frowning with her necklace under her shirt.

Kara: Can we go? Please?

Y/N: Fine, but we need to buy you Cat Grant's coffee and all.

He grabs his keys as Kara sighs saddened.

Kara: This can't get any worse.

She followed him grabbing her purse and putting her glasses on.

(Ends music at 1:16)

Minutes Later... again

Kara was walking out of CatCo's elevator... with a napkin on her hand with Cat Grant's stuff. She sneezed with some of the people in the building looking at her... not even a bless you.

Kara: Sorry.

She cleans her nose which was a bit red. Winn walks out seeing Kara very... ill... which is weird.

Winn: Did you just... sneeze? Bless you by the way.

Kara: Thanks... someone in Noonan's had a runny nose and... look at me now. Y/N had to drive me here.

The two were walking to Kara's desk and whispering.

Winn: Okay, you're late, Y/N took you to CatCo and, what, you have... You have a cold?

Kara: I Solar Flared... burnt out all of my... powers. I'm human now.

Winn: What? For how long?

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