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1,700 Years Later

    It had been long since Aro's revolt against the Volantene covan, long since we'd taken complete control, and long since Volantis had even been Volantis.

    The world as we'd known it over a millenia ago had dissolved, a new one taking its place. By name, there was no more Westeros, no more Essos, and there hadn't been for centuries.

    It was hard to adapt to the constant change, but we had, and we'd done it well. We evolved everything we could, accents, styles, vocabulary, all for the rare times that humans who didn't become meals caught a glimpse of us.

    All of us except the ancient three, of course. Why would they stoop so low as to adapting for what they saw as an inferior species?

    We had since reestablished Volterra in what was now known as Italy, our home more beautiful than it had ever been before.

    As Aro acquired more power, the more power he craved. And power came in the form of new coven members.

    I descended the marble staircase as the clicking of my heels echoed around me, the smooth fabric of my long cloak lightly brushing the backs of my ankles.

    As I passed through the hallway, I saw two vampires admiring a large painting of Winterfell.

    Most of the friends and the family we'd fought with all of our strength to defend were now a distant memory. But of all the things we've lived and died through, our victory over the undead was the memory most kept alive amongst our growing coven.

    Arya and Alec stood in front of the large oil painting, Arya's arm outstretched as she pointed around, recounting the story of the Long Night.

    Alec and his twin sister, Jane, joined us four centuries after we defeated the Volantene. They were the youngest when turned, at only thirteen years old.

    Aro knew they were special even when they were only mortals. His plan was to wait, to let them age more before they began their new lives.

    The people of their village had different plans after they were said to be witches, and burned them at the stake.

    It was sheer luck that we were there, and that we made it in time. Their deaths may have been brutal, but their circumstances birthed two of the most powerful and feared members of our coven.

    As I moved closer, both vampires turned to me. "Retelling the great Battle of Winterfell to our dear Alec?"

    Arya grinned and nodded. "Can't let that story die, can we?"

    I began to speak, but shut my mouth again, a very familiar scent hitting my nose.

    A smell that after almost two thousand years, still intoxicated me. Leather, wine, and pine needles.

    I spun on my heel, coming face to face with Sandor. My face broke into a smile as I threw my arms around him, pressing my lips against his.

    Sandor's evolution over the years was my favorite by far. He was still him, as he'd always be. Still sarcastic, still rough around the edges. But now, he was happy.

    "Alright, get a room," Alec groaned. 

    Sandor pulled back and looked at him. "Shut your cunt mouth."

    I chuckled, turning to the boy. "You've been with us for twelve-hundred years, Alec, you gotta be used to it by now."

    Suddenly, we heard footsteps in the distance. Arya smiled a bit. "Got to run, that's Demetri. We're in the middle of a game of hide and seek." And she scurried off in the opposite direction.

    "Have fun, lovebirds," Alec called, as he headed in the direction of the library.

    I turned to Sandor. "Even after this long, it's still so odd to see her so smitten."

    He let out a chuckle. "That's because no matter how long we have existed, we'll always see her as the little firecracker we traveled across Westeros with."

    I thought fondly of the memory. Leaning into Sandor, I pressed my head to his chest. "Did you ever think this is how it would all end?"

    He leaned down, placing a kiss on the top of my head. "Never in a million years."

    Footsteps suddenly approached and Jane's small frame came into view. "Aro would like to speak with you both."

    She led us to the throne room, where Aro, Caius, and Marcus already sat; Arya and Demetri standing in front of them. "Ah, Katira, Sandor, come, come." Aro waved us over.

    "I have a little project for you four in Washington," Aro began, a small glint in his eyes.

    "Is it about the Cullens?" I questioned. I hadn't had the chance to meet any of them, nor did two of the three standing beside me.

    I wouldn't consider us nomadic vampires, but more so than the rest of the coven. The four of us traveled together frequently, often being gone for long periods of time.

    Aro knew he couldn't tether us to the castle, so he loosened the reins, as long as we promised, confirmed by our thoughts, that we would be back as soon as he called.

    It also made it easier for him to keep a few of his most gifted assets a secret until battle. Everyone knew to beware of the Witch Twins, but no one knew about the one with two gifts, the big fucker that blows things up, or the undetectable Faceless Man.

    Demetri was called back more often than the rest of us, constantly needed to track down enemies. I knew he'd met the Cullens once or twice.

    I knew there were a couple members of the Olympic coven that our Vampire King had his sights set on. Namely, the mind-reader, Edward, and the seer, Alice. Two powers he currently had nothing of similarity to.

    "Yes, it is. You and Arya are the only ones that the Cullens haven't seen who were turned young enough to pass off as high school students. And I know where the two of you go, the two of them go." He gestured to Sandor and Demetri.

    Arya chimed in. "You want us to go to fucking high school?"

    The corners of Aro's mouth turned down a bit. "I don't want, you will. You will watch the Cullens, you will find their weaknesses, and you will not let it cross your mind around Edward who you really are."

    I saw aggravation in Arya's eyes, and placed a hand on her arm. "When do we leave?"


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