26. Burning It Down

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    A few weeks after the humans departed from the North in the direction of King's Landing, so did we. We tore through the wilderness, ready for battle, but none more ready than Sandor.

    It wasn't long before we caught up with the pack standing outside the city walls, and we joined the back of the group. Knights of the Crown stood opposite us, standing guard.

    Jon was at the front of the group with the appointed leader of Daenerys's army, Grey Worm, and Ser Davos. No one said a thing, they just stared each other down as the sound of explosions in the distance grew louder.

    Before the guards could run, the wall behind them was demolished with a thick burst of flames. Drogon flew overhead, Dany on his back.

    As the fire settled, the army cried out, and charged forward into the city. More of the King— I mean Queen's Guard, ran at us, and we all cut them down with ease.

    I looked to Sandor, and our eyes met. "You gonna be alright?" I asked, concerned.

    He nodded. "Not gonna fuck up my chances of doing the one thing I came here for."

    The rest of the Queen's Guard congregated closely in front of us. I stood next to Jon, and we waited for their next move.

    They all glanced at us, and each other, before simultaneously dropping their weapons. A look of utter relief washed over Jon's face as the sound of steel hitting the ground rang out. I knew he preferred as little bloodshed as possible.

    Soldiers and civilians all shouted from the streets for Cersei to ring the bells of surrender, but I'd be surprised if she gave up that quickly.

    I was proven wrong, however, when the loud brass bell began to ring out across King's Landing. I looked to Jon, silently sharing in the joy of the outcome; the most peaceful one we could have hoped for.

    But as soon as we saw Drogon overhead, our relief was shattered, and we realized that Daenerys had a plan of her own.

    Fire rained down on the city, burning any innocent and any building in its path. And Dany's army of Dothraki, Unsullied, and Second Sons, with their unwavering loyalty to the Dragon Queen, followed suit.

    Grey Worm was the first to act, lifting his spear and hurling it at a man in front of him. Everyone began to run at each other again, except me, Jon, Davos, Sandor, Lyanna, Rhaegar, and Demetri.

    I really couldn't blame Aro, Marcus, and Caius. They really held no regard for human life, and frankly, it was a miracle they showed up to help in the first place. I knew what I was getting when I invited them.

    Jon just looked ahead in horror, and it was clear he didn't know what to do next. I heard Rhaegar's voice behind me. "No one listens to me."

    Jon suddenly snapped out of it, and began yelling for people to stay back. His efforts were futile, as everyone continued to charge forward at one another.

    And so, he gave up, and began to fight once again. All those who stopped with him, resumed with him as well.

    Fire now consumed a large portion of King's Landing, and now, Daenerys was headed toward the Red Keep.

    Sandor and I exchanged glances, and we both ran toward the castle, knowing that Gregor and Cersei would still be there.

    As we entered, a small body appeared next to us. "The fuck are you doing here, girl?" Sandor rasped.

    Arya looked to the Hound, and then to me. "Cersei's mine." 

    I smirked. "I would expect nothing less."

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