13. Sorry, Aro

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    I smiled warmly. "Hello, Sansa. It's wonderful to see you again. I heard that you were married off to another wretched beast, so I thought I should come help, and not take no for an answer this time."

    As I stepped forward, she backed away in fear, and my smile dropped. "What happened to your eyes?" She sounded nervous. 

    "Look, Sansa, I know this looks bad, but I would never hurt you." I turned to the rest of the group. "Or any of you. I just want to help."

    Sansa took a hesitant step forward, before closing the distance and throwing her arms around me. A few tears slipped from her eyes. "I should've listened to you, Katira. I should have come with you when I had the chance." 

    I stroked her hair, shushing her. "I know, little bird, I know. But you're safe now."

    She stepped back, wiping her face. "Kat, this is Brienne of Tarth, her squire, Podrick, and Theon."

    I turned to face them, beaming. "It's very nice to meet you, Brienne of Tarth, Podrick, and Theon. My name is Katira. I'll tell you, Brienne, nothing makes me happier than seeing a woman who can wield a sword as you can."

    Brienne still appeared a little nervous, a little unsure. "Thank you, Lady Katira." 

    I snorted. "Please, I'm no lady." 

    Podrick chuckled, glancing to Brienne. "She sounds like you."

    She began again. "If I may ask, Katira, what exactly are you?" I peered at Sansa, whose eyes held curiosity, and Podrick and Theon both waited for an answer as well.

    I turned back to Brienne. "We'll get into the details later, all you need to know right now is that none of these fucks can kill me, I'm on your side, and I don't need a horse."

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    We had traveled north several miles when we stopped to make camp

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    We had traveled north several miles when we stopped to make camp. Sansa, Brienne, and I were sitting in a circle around the fire as Theon and Pod fetched firewood.

    "I saw Arya, alive," stated Brienne. 

    "So did I!" I told them. 

    Sansa glanced between us, an awed expression on her face. "Really? Where? When?"

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