23. Born For Another Life

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    It was less than two days later that I caught the scent of them in Winterfell. I rushed out into the yard in time to see six vampires gracefully dropping over the wall that bordered the castle and into the snow.

    Aro stood in front, brushing off his long, black cloak that matched the others'. A grin broke out on my face as I rushed to greet my blood-sucking family.

    As I embraced them all and exchanged hello's, I felt eyes on us. As I turned, I was met with Jon Snow's gaze. I gave him a quick nod and he returned it before turning on his heel.

    I turned back to Aro. "Everyone wants to meet you all. We have some things to go over as well."

    We entered the castle and made our way to a room that was already full of the northern lords, with Jon, Daenerys, and Sansa sitting at a table at the head of everyone. I also noticed Arya nearby, blending in with the group of men who had come to discuss our next steps.

    I stepped into the center of the room, my coven close behind me. Silence fell upon everyone as they waited for me to begin speaking.

    My eyes connected with Dany's. "You are already at a great advantage with two dragons to back your army. But having us ensures that there will be a Westeros to rule over after the White Walkers come for us. And with us, we bring a dragon of our own."

    Daenerys looked at me quizzically. "And where is your dragon?"

    I gave a mischievous smile before stepping back and looking at Rhaegar who stood in the back of the group. I gave him a nod and he stepped forward for all to see.

    He held a hand up, pointing it straight above his head. In an instant, a bright mess of flames were dancing from his fingertips into the air, dissipating before they could hit the ceiling.

    Everyone continued to stare, slack-jawed after the show was over. Rhaegar stepped back to his previous position, and I to mine.

    "A Targaryen was not sought out for our coven for no reason," I told Daenerys, my shoulders back.

    Jon just sat there, his mouth slightly ajar. He gave a slight shake of his head, snapping back to reality. "What other abilities does your coven offer?"

    I began gesturing to the other vampires. "Demetri is a gifted tracker, he can find anyone, anywhere. Marcus is able to see bonds shared between others. Aro can read every thought a person has ever had with a single touch. Lyanna can influence the emotions of others. Caius is the only one of us without a gift, but his intellect is a gift in itself."

    Aro stepped up beside me, his typical, false smile on his face. "As you can see, Miss Targaryen, we offer not only brute strength, but the strength of intelligence as well."

    "I think you meant, 'your grace," snapped Daenerys. She was playing with fire. Her need for control was evident, but she needed to be a little smarter about who she attempted to control.

    The smile on Aro's face didn't waver. "Fiery, aren't you? That fire might have made you queen of the humans, but I'm afraid dear, that you aren't in the right... condition to attempt to rule me." The corners of his mouth had now dropped. "You can accept our help, the help of your own brother, or we can leave as quickly as we arrived, and you can die right alongside your people."

    Daenerys didn't respond, just stared ahead at us with a hard expression on her face. I watched Jon set a hand on her forearm, bringing her attention to him. They looked at each other for a moment before she nodded softly.

    I turned to face my coven. "There is one rule for you all as well. You will not feed nearby. When you need to hunt, you will ride south, and you will only feed on those adorned in the Lannister's colors."

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