7. Reunited, Plus One

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    An enormous bear I drained on my walk back towards The Wall made me stray from my decision to leave so soon. The days began to run into each other and I lost track of time as I hunted beyond The Wall, catching the biggest game I had ever seen in my life.

    I had a few more encounters with the undead, and a couple with their leaders, but they ceased to bother me when they grew tired of being tossed around.

    One night, after what I imagined was at least a few months, if not more, I came back upon the Wall. I did not feel like risking a run in with people, so instead of trying to get through, I began by ascention up the side, and before long I was standing on solid ground next to the castle once more.

    I spent the next several months running free in the Northern wilderness, hunting, climbing, and just enjoying my surroundings, and my solitude.

    I thought of Sandor Clegane, the man who I had not seen in gods knew how long. I wondered where he was, and if he was still protecting the putrid little King Joffrey. I hoped not.

    Eventually, I started travelling back towards King's Landing, in hopes of catching word of its current state, and the state of the humans I left behind there.

    I was just south of The Twins, hunting, when I heard voices. "Does fuck off mean something different where you're from?"

    "I've got money."

    I moved through the trees, following the sound, until I could see the people the voices belonged to. Perched up high, I watched the scene unfold between a young girl and five soldiers.

    I also noticed a large man on horseback back on the trail who was watching as well, a long cloak covering his head. I faintly smelled the familiar scent of leather, wine, and pine needles that now seemed so distant. There's no way...

    My attention was snapped back to the girl as she held up a coin, and one man spoke. "What kind of coin is that?"

    "It's worth a lot of money." As he grabbed for the coin, she flicked it to the ground. "Sorry," she apologized, feigning innocence. 

    "Little shit," the soldier spat.

    When he bent down to retrieve the coin, the young girl grabbed him by the back of the neck and began driving a blade into his flesh repeatedly, breathing heavily as she did so. She's gonna need some help. 

     The rest of the group quickly started toward her, and I dropped from my branch, wiped the blood from my mouth, and unsheathed my sword.

    As I ran towards the humans, I saw the large man from the horse push the young girl aside, fighting off the man that was about to grab her.

    I approached a man at the back of the group, grabbing him by the shoulder and spinning him around to face me. I gave him a smile as I plunged my weapon deep in his chest, dragging downwards.

    Another man had turned to face me and began to swing at me with his sword. I caught the blade in my gloved hand, and then sliced my own across the air, taking his head clean off.

    My eyes scanned the ground, all five men slain, blood pouring from various wounds. Thank the gods I had just drained a few deer, or there would be no way to stop myself from bleeding them dry.

    I looked up at the faces of the people I had just assisted, my eyes lighting up when the face of the hooded man came into view. "I told you we'd meet again, Sandor Clegane."

    The young girl spoke up next, her eyes shining as she looked at me. "Who are you?" 

    I smiled at the young girl, the fire in her eyes reminding me of a young me. "My name is Katira. I have not seen that much passion go into stabbing a man in quite some time. What is your name?"

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