6. The Bastard Named Snow

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    I moved north swiftly, knowing it was time to find Lyanna's son. It had been over two years since I arrived in Westeros, close to three now, and at this point I was just neglecting my promise. Ensuring his safety would mean I could enjoy the rest of my trip without the nagging of responsibility in my mind. 

    It took just shy of a fortnight to reach the North, and when I arrived, I felt at peace.

    I was not in town long, having been told by the first townsperson I'd asked that the late Lord Stark's bastard, Jon Snow, had gone to the wall and joined the Night's Watch.

    I pulled out my map and cursed under my breath at the distance I still had to travel to find the little bastard.

    My arrival at Castle Black was the next day, as I made quick work of the path. I walked around the right side of the wall surrounding it, smoothly scaling the side and dropping to the inside.

     A few men standing around in the snow looked up at me with a shocked expression. "Do you know where I can find Jon Snow?" I asked the one closest to me, who seemed quite nervous. 

    "Just one moment, my lady," he sputtered, before walking hurriedly into the building.

    He did not return, but instead came a round young man with kind eyes. "Are you the one they say is looking for Jon?" He questioned. I nodded my head. 

    "I'm Samwell Tarley, Jon is like a brother to me. The Wildlings, they... they took him a few days ago. North of the Wall," he spoke somberly. "And may I ask your name, my lady?"

    "My name is Katira, though your friend Jon does not know me, nor I him. I am... a friend of an old friend, I made a promise to check in on him." Sam nodded in understanding. 

    I continued. "These Wildlings, they could be anywhere north of the Wall?" I asked, eyebrow raised. 

    Samwell nodded his head. "Just about. There are a great deal of them, and beyond the Wall you are always at risk of encountering them, among other things."

    "The man who leads you, will he allow me to pass through the gate to the northern side of the Wall?" I asked, already preparing for this to be a long hunt. 

    The young man looked at me with surprise and intrigue. "My lady, it is much too dangerous to travel alone beyond the Wall. The temperature alone could kill you, even if there weren't Wildlings and White Walkers!"

    Now, it was my turn to be intrigued. "White Walkers?" Rhaegar had told me stories, but he cited them as nothing but old wise tales. 

    Sam looked at the ground and back at me. "The undead. I saw them myself, a whole army of them." 

    I was already technically undead, so what could they do to me? "Are you going to answer my previous question? About the gate?"

    Samwell's eyes were pleading. "My lady, please—" 

    I cut him off. "I appreciate your concern, Mr. Tarly, truly. But I do not intend to break my promise. I have survived things that would surprise most. Now, please ask whoever needs to be asked to open the gate." 

    He nodded curtly and turned on his heel, and then returned with an angry looking older man. "What's this I hear about you wanting to pass the wall? You don't even have a horse!"

    "I'm going to get to the other side of that wall and find Jon Snow one way or another. I have already been given the danger lecture from Mr. Tarly here, and I have gotten to Castle Black from Dorne without a horse, so please, just tell me, may I pass?" I asked, holding eye contact. 

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