21. No One

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    It was now later that night, and I still had not gotten a proper introduction to Daenerys. She had been by Jon's side since we arrived, so I assumed that would have to wait until the day after.

    Walking outside into the crisp winter air, I saw a lone figure across the yard. It was sitting atop a rock, head thrown back to the sky.

    Even without the scent, it would not have taken me long to recognize the silhouette. Men that large did not come a dime a dozen.

    "Can't sleep?" I questioned, approaching the rock. 

    Sandor dropped his eyes to meet mine. "Never thought I'd be going back to King's Landing," he said simply.

    I took a seat beside him. "I knew I would, but I thought it would only be to kill Cersei, and your brother."

    Sandor gave me a quizzical look. "Now you're after my brother too? What's that, three of us now counting the girl?"

    A small chuckle slipped past my lips. "Yes, that sounds right. Wouldn't be surprised if there were more we didn't know about."

    "What did he do to piss you off?"

    My eyes darted to my feet. "He killed a friend of mine." I glanced back up. "That's the only reason I found you again. I was on my way to King's Landing when I came across the villagers."

    Sandor let out a dry laugh. "Sounds about right. Together again because my brother is a cunt."

    "Sounds pretty divine to me."

    The next day, a group of us prepared to board a boat to King's Landing

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    The next day, a group of us prepared to board a boat to King's Landing. Jon tried to convince me to stay behind, having reasoned that it would be best that Cersei didn't know what I was or that I was with them until our swords were turned back to each other.

    We were able to come to a compromise, that I'd come but stay in the boat. I could stay out of sight, but still be within earshot if something were to happen.

    Now, everyone gathered as Sandor and Jorah loaded the crate containing the captive wight, and I stood gazing at the water.

    Light footsteps approached and I was greeted by Daenerys. She had a small smile on her face. "I don't believe we have properly met, I'm Daenerys Targaryen."

    I returned the woman's smile. "I know. I'm Katira Volturi."

    "And you're a vampire, I've been told?"

    I nodded my head. "You've been told correctly. Yn lo ziry mazverdagon ao feel sȳrkta, ziry iksos vēttan nyke tolī appreciative hen lī lēda uēpa Valyrīha ānogar." (But if it makes you feel better, it's made me more appreciative of those with Old Valyrian blood.)

    The Dragon Queen looked at me, a shocked expression painting her features. "Īlen ivestretan īlē hen Brāvos? Skorkydoso gaomagon ao gīmigon Valyrīha?"

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